Chapter Thirty-three

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Damn. It's from Serena, or I think so. How could she know that I'm moving to London? Have Nicholas and Serena talked to each other? My stomach turns of that thought. What if they have contact, can I allow that? I mean I know that the woman has taken advantage of Nicholas. But why would Nicholas choose to have continued contact with her?

After all the guests have gone and I'm completely exhausted  I go up to my room. That text message still hunting inside of my head. I can't let it go, I don't know what to do. Who knows I'm moving to London, besides my friends and family know i, how could she knew it?  I get an idea. I take my laptop. I go into Google and type "Nicholas Garnett" in the search box. There, well it comes up tons of photos of Nicholas, oh my God, I miss him. I then click on "news".  Several articles pops up, updated already an hour ago. What is this? I click on the first link that says;

"The London bachelor is back"

It comes up a picture of Nicholas when he is at the airport. Aww, he really had right about these paparazzi. I scroll a little further down to read the article.

"London's hottest bachelor is back home again after living in Sweden for almost six months.

The British entrepreneur should have during the six months been working with his company "Garnett LDN Enterprises" in Sweden. He tries to expand his business in Scandinavian and also he had spent much time with his family living temporarily in Sweden says the source.

We are all excited to see London's hottest millionaire back. To all the single girls out there, his back"

Huh? Shit. London's hottest millionaire? And what? Single girls, they better keep their hands off Nicholas. It's clear that Serena might have read all these articles. I mean, if she still cares about him, why not? Moreover, she knew that he was in Sweden. Oh, I hate that woman. 


The day is here. Today I move to London. I've been nervous all day, in addition to having Serena manages to get under my skin. I'll try to forget her. But it's so damn hard. I stand at Arlanda airport in Stockholm. My parents, my brother, my grandma and grandpa and Felicia is with me. It's not until now I realize how hard this is going to be. I already have tears in my eyes. We start walking towards the gate. I turn around, I throw myself over my mom and hug her hard and long.

"Oh, my Gabriella ... Promise to care of you, and call me. I love you, and I'm so proud of you, "says my mother. I cry and cry as everybody else does. I hug my mom hard one last time and then hugging my dad. Even my dad is crying. Oh, I hate seeing my parents crying.

- "Promise me that you take care of yourself. It's just come home when you want, I love you my Gabbie "says my dad and kisses me on the forehead.

- "I love you too, Dad," I say and here I stand at the airport, I'm a wreck. Oh my goodness.

I get through to say goodbye to my family, I passes the security check and now I just have to be able to take a cup of tea at a café. Oh, why is this so damn hard, I know that everything will be fine again when I get to see Nicholas again. Oh! I promised to call him. Shit. I take my phone out of my bag. Strangely enough, I have no missed calls or anything. Well I try calling Nicholas, but my call goes directly to his voicemail, I decide to call again but still my call goes to the voicemail. Has something happened? My plane is going to take off in 45 minutes, I try to call Nicholas again. 

I start walking towards my flight and I've probably called Nicholas 500 times but he does not answer. I wonder what he is doing, maybe something has happened. I decide to check on the phone one last time. But somehow I just update the latest gossip about Nicholas. There have been added pictures of Nicholas 60 minutes ago. I open the pictures, Nicholas wears a suit, he sits in a cafe. I scroll a bit on the pictures when I see him kissing a blonde woman's cheek. I lose my breath. What? No, it's just a kiss on the cheek, I try to tell myself. There is a text as well to the pictures. I read it.

"London's hottest bachelor was seen on the streets in the center of London earlier today. We saw he was with the successful business woman Serena Williams. They seemed to be having a lovely brunch together, catching up old times. "

I lose my breath. What the hell is this? What is it supposed to be? The anger just storms in me, and I pick up the phone and sends a text message instead.

"I tried calling, but you dosen't answer. I hope everything is well.

See you soon

  Xx G "

I'm sending the text message and then I walk to the airplane. Once I get into the airplane the flight attendants show me where I should sit. I got an okay place, in the middle of the flight. I put up my bags and then put me in my place. I check on my phone for the last time, I have not received any answers nothing, I turn off the phone. Damn. I wonder what he's doing? And especially with her. I wonder what kind of relationship they have. I wonder if he ever had feelings for her, but when I think that thought, I feel the pain in my heart, damn well. How should I be to Nicholas when I arrive? Should I pretend that I don't know anything, or should I ask him about it. I tilt my head back. Whatever it is now, it's something that's wrong, I feel it in me, but I can't put my finger on it. Nicholas is a mystery, but it is something more, deeper about him. I need to know. I need to know what Nicholas is hiding for me. I love him, I love him so much, I can't describe my love for him. But whatever he is hiding for me, I love him, I love him so much. He gots all of me. 

The story continues. Read "All Of You".

** Thank you all for reading "All Of Me". This story about Gabriella and Nicholas is for me very close to my heart. And to get to share this with you all, I'm so grateful, it can't be described with words, but I can say that you've got "all of me".

Getting to write this and create the characters are so amazing. And if it were not for you I wouldn't have continued to write on this story. I hope you choose to continue reading this story and continues with "All Of You".

I would gladly appreciate it if you commented or sent a message, just write what you think.

Thanks once again, I can't explain how much I love all of you who have read this series and for allowing me to write it. 

Thank you all, tons of love 

Xx Miss AJ **

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