Chapter Three

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"How are you?", I hear a lovely voice say. My head is spinning. I open my eyes and look up and I see him. "Are you okay? Nod if you can hear me" I hear him say. I start looking around. People stand there and looking at me ... It's embarrassing but It's HIM. He is the British good looking god or maybe a sexy god, I don't know but he is looking good, no, not good he is literally sex on legs. It's just like he walked out from a Hugo Boss commercial. His arms are around me and I look up and just then, we look into each other's eyes. He has big blue eyes that just shines and his face, just lovely, I have to stop myself from pulling my hand towards his face. Stop it G. Just don't.

"Can you get up? I count to three, "he says and doesn't flinch.  I make me ready, now I have both my feet on the ground, for once in my lifetime. "Three," he says and takes a firm grip around my arms. "Two," he says, and begins to slowly lift me up. Once I am up we are face to face. I'm like a statue, what's happening? He has not even count to one yet! He looks at me.

"Are you okay?" He ask. I nod. He stretches out his arms and watch me from head to toe. I can't help but just to look at him, he must believe that I lost all my brain cells when I fell, but he's so good looking or I'm going to be honest, he is so damn sexy.

- "We should go to the emergency room" he says with a slightly worried voice.

- "What? Oh, no no!" I hear myself scream, I see he didn't expect that. Oh, I can't scream at him, especially not now. What are this man doing to me. "I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you very much," I say now with a lower voice and I take myself out of his arms and then I feel the whole world is spinning, and just then I feel his arms around me again.

- "If you want to end up on the floor again, then you could still do good enough by yourself but I think you don't want to be down on that floor again? Am I wrong?"He says, looking at me. I'm shocked. It's as if I've done something wrong."Let me at least take you to a nurse or something" he continues. I nod, it's probably best to do as he says. He bends down to pick up my bag, but his arm is still around me. He takes my bag around his shoulder and let an arm be around my waist. We start walking towards the University's nurse. We take slow steps. I look at him but he seems concentrated or rather, I think he embarrassed a little, I mean a student girl who falls into him and his £1500 Armani suit. He turns his head and meets my gaze. Oh no. He caught me staring at him. He says nothing and does nothing, just keep walking. Good.

Eventually we found a nurse. She asks me to sit on the bench. He walks with me to the bench. I sit down. He backs a few steps. The nurse looks at him, and he on me.

- "You have to unfortunately go, I'm going to examine Gabriella Johnson now, you can wait outside." she says, showing him the door out. He stands with his arms crossed and still looking at me. Will he not go or does he want me to say something?

- "Well, if it's okay for Miss Johnson I would like to be here so I know she not pass out again." he says. Oh, I love his British accent. The nurse looks at me with the evil eye. Huh, what should I say and what should she do? She's not going to ask me taking of my white blouse or something, that would be awkward with him in the room.

- "Yes, he can stay," I say with a trembling voice. What? I can't believe I just agreed that the man or also knows as 'sex on legs' is going to be in the room. Oh, fuck. I forgot his name. He is British, should I know his last name or something, Am I rude? I can't remember it. The nurse rolls her eyes and start asking me questions;

- "Are you allergic to anything?" she asks. I'll look at her and my fingers start to tremble, why? 

- "No, yes or cats." I answer with my nervous voice. She's take notes and nods her head. "Are you taking any medications?" 

- "Yes, against my asthma" I reply and I try to look at him. He makes no expression. 

- "Have you eating something today?"she asks and staring at me. Oh no, I'm thinking out loud to myself. I forgot to eat my breakfast. Why, she asks that question? I hate that question. "Gabriella, I asked the question; What did you eat today? "She says again.

-"I didn't eat anything but .." I answer and the nurse interrupts me  

- "Okay, I think you should try to eat something at once. I must examine you first, "she says and stands up. Oh, no, I look at him, he shakes his head and I look at the nurse. Hope she doesn't ask me to take off my white blouse. I don't  want him to see me half naked the first thing we do when we meet.  "Gabriella,  you have to eat. Do you have something that you can eat?" Says the nurse while she put away her things.

- "Yes, I have a banana in my bag" I reply. He looks at my bag and then at me.

- "Then go to the hospital and see if you've got a concussion, you have after all had a serious fall." she continues.

- "But, but I feel good!", I say and when I get up but this time I have to sit down just in case if I'm going to fall again.

-"Have you any friends who can give you a ride?" She says

- "I have my own car," I answered quickly.

-"I'll take Miss Johnson to the emergency room," he says. Oh, wait what? Will he take me to the hospital now. Hell no. 

- "No, but you don't have to. You have already helped me so much, sorry and thank you, " I say. He walks closer to me, intense steps and I feel how my breathing becomes deeper and deeper, slower and slower when he walks closer to me.

-  "I'll drive you Miss Johnson" he says, and puts his hand on my knee. Oh no. NO NO! Calm down, Gabriella.

- "Well, you can eat in the emergency room when you get there. Is there anyone we should call, any relatives? " asks the nurse. Oh no Felicia. What will she say? My mother was right about that I should be careful.  Oh, and my mother what would she say? 'I told you so?'

- "No, or I can call them later" I reply and get up. He holds his arm around my waist. Oh, I don't know what if his appearance or the awful blow I got from the fall making me dizzy. He takes my bag and we say goodbye to the nurse then we walk out, and when I lift up my head I see Felicia standing there.

"Gabbie! What have happened?" She says and throws herself all over me.

- "Me and Miss Johnson are going to the emergency room and check for a possible concussion, if she didn't had one before she definitely got one now " he says, and rolls his eyes. Oops. He does not like me or Felicia? That's was... I didn't see that coming.

"I can take her to the hospital, I guess you can't Stockholm yet" she answers his any kind of humiliation.

- "I know where the hospital is, as I said, I grew up here in Stockholm," he answers. I've never seen her this quiet as long either. They really don't like each other.

- "Gabriella, what are you doing with your car? How will you get home? "she says, a little more caring and puts her hand on my shoulder.

- "Uh, I ..." I say, but are interrupted by him

- "I suggest you take Miss Johnson's car, I can take her home." Huh, I live an hour away from Stockholm, he is crazy if he would driving me home. 

- "I live an hour away from here" I reply and look at him.

- "I don't mind." he says and smiles at me. I can not help myself to smile. He gives Felicia my bag which then she takes my car keys.

- "Take care of yourself now Gabbie, call me ASAP!" she says and gives me a hug or something resembling a hug. 

 Me and him continues to walk to his car. "My car is here," he says, and it's a luxury sports car, it just looks expensive, I dare not to sit in this car. Thank god we are not taking my car. He opens the door and I sit down. He puts my bag in the back. Oh, my God, who would have imagined that I would sit in HIS CAR. Gabriella, just calm down.

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