Chapter 16: Genius Manipulation

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The little teal egg was plummeting, pulling the little bird down to its death. Sarah looked terrified and I was too. Everyone, except Mr. Brooks who looked rather bored, was silent and the whole scene seemed to be in slow motion. The egg was dropping and dropping fast. Sarah closed her eyes.

"Sarah, grab it!" Yelled Malina

The egg was about two inches from the ground when suddenly, it stopped. I looked up from the egg and Sarah was staring intently at the egg with her hand out, directed towards the egg. Mr. Brooks looked at Sarah and then at me and smiled, smiled big. He had it planned the whole time. The objective was to get the egg into the nest and he knew that if the egg dropped, the pressure and panic for the little bird would force her to use her powers. I didn't know how to feel about this. It was a genius teaching method, but it was also very manipulative. My emotions shifted back and forth for a few seconds until I decided to ignore it.

Everyone's attention was back on Sarah as the egg floated back up into the air. This time it was steady as if someone was folding it in their fist. The egg was slowly placed into the nest. The pressure that everyone, especially Sarah, was feeling was lifted off of our shoulders and we all felt a great deal of relief.

"Your learning," stated Mr. Brooks "You'll get better."

Sarah looked at Mr. Brooks. Then at me. She stepped back into the crowd. Sarah seemed proud of her self but still very anxious.

Mr Brooks continued the practices starting with Oliver, then Malina, and finally Jake.

They all did good and their practices went by like lightning.

As Jake finished Mr. Brooks cleared his throat.

"Kathrine, it's your turn"

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