Part 24

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The car drives into his parents driveway around 3 am in the morning but Harry isn't even thinking about going to sleep anytime soon.

He parks the car randomly and takes out his keys in a hurry. To say that he's mad, would be an understatement.

He doesn't think that he had ever felt such anger and hate towards anyone before. He wants his dad to pay for everything he has done in the most painful way possible.

He pushes the door open, not caring about any noise that he makes as he runs up the stairs to his parents bedroom.

He stops in front of the partly opened bedroom door and sees his dad sleeping in his bed peacefully.

'That's not fair. Louis has to suffer in the hospital while he lays here like nothing ever happened' Harry thinks before storming over to his dad.

He turns him on his back and grabs him by his collar, which startles his dad away.

Harry throws the first punch at his dad's face, right on his nose. Yelling erupts in the big bedroom as multiple punches are being thrown.

Harry has his dad pinned down on the floor by his throat as he says "I will fucking kill you for what you did to him". "Did to whom? Your faggot driving teacher

who took advantage of you?" his dad asks with a mischievous grin.

"Louis did nothing wrong. He treated me like I deserved to be treated and showed me what true love is" Harry says as he tightens his grip around Des' throat.

"You don't even know what love is. Especially not with a man" his dad says as he tries to get out of Harry's grip and unfortunately succeeds as he punches him against his jawline.

"Yes I do. I love him and he loves me. I'm gay and you should accept that and if not then you can fucking stay out of my life" Harry screams.

"No I won't let my son be gay. That's inhuman.
I will send you away but before that I will make sure to finally end what I began. Kill your little boy" Des says with an evil grin before Harry punches him in the stomach and pins him against the wall.

"You and all your minions won't even come close to my boyfriend, I'll make sure of that. I'll get you in prison because that's where you belong to" Harry says as he tries to keep his dad in place.

"You really think that I'm threatened by you? Did you forget who I am and what I'm capable of? I will end you and there's nothing you can do about it, son" his dad says, hissing the last part.

Harry must have loosen his grip on his dad's wrist, since Des succeeded in throwing a another punch in his face and this one hit hard.

Harry stumbles to the ground as his vision got blurry.

He can only hear his dad's evil laugh as he hovered over him, ready to end it here and there.

Luckily, sirens can be heard from outside the house which left his dad with wide open eyes.

"Did you call the freaking cops?" his dad asks in anger.

"No, I did" Harry's mum, Anne says as she appears behind them.

"How could you do that?" Des asks as he gets up promptly, storming over to Harry's mum.

"It's enough Des. I can't witness this anymore without doing anything. Especially when it's hurting my son and the people he cares about" Anne says with a trembling voice.

Des comes closer to Anne, anger being the only expression on his face. He raises his hand to throw a punch at Harry's mum but a loud voice interrupts him.

"Hands up in the air and on your knees" the police men says, his gun pointed towards his dad. Des does as told and the police officers handcuff him.

"You will regret this for the rest of your life" Des says with gritted teeth before the officers lead him outside.

The talk with the police took a few hours before they finally left, advising Harry to go to the hospital to check on his wounds.

Now, Harry and his mum are sitting on their couch, both facing the ground without saying a word.

His mum decides to break the silence as she asks "why did you never tell me? That you were gay".

"Honestly? I was scared. You heard what he always used to say about gays and I was afraid of what he would do to me" Harry says with a low head.

"But you could have told me. I would never judge you and would have protected you" his mum says as she puts an arm around him.

"You could never stand up to him either and I don't judge you for it. It's okay. It's over now" Harry says with a weak smile.

It's silent again, neither of them know what to say before Anne opens her mouth again.

"So tell me about Louis" she says with a smile, which earns her an even brighter smile in return.

"He's amazing mum. He's the most genuine, kind, funniest and caring person I've ever met. I've never been happier than when I'm with him.

He makes me feel special whenever I'm with him, he makes the world brighter every time he smiles.

He might seem to act tough but in reality he's just a soft hedgehog who like to cuddle" Harry says with a laugh.

"He's the most important person in my life, he makes life worth living. Every day I wake up, I can't believe my luck that I get to be with him, that I get to call him mine.

I can't stand to spend a single second without him, I always want him around" Harry says as he seems to get lost in thought.

"I know I'm young mum but even as young as I am, for this I am sure. I'm steady. My heart beats from him. I wanna spend the rest of my life with him. He's the one. It's always him" Harry ends with tears in his eyes.

As he looks over to his mum, he sees her crying and immediately regrets telling her all this, 'she must be so disappointed' he thinks.

"I'm sorry mum" Harry says.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. I'm just beyond proud of you and the person you have become" she says with teary eyes as she engulfs her son in a long hug.

"I'm sorry that I let him put you through all this pain for all those years. I'm so sorry" she says.

"Don't be mum. It's not your fault, it's okay. I'm okay now. I'm happy" Harry says as he pulls her closer, into a tight embrace.

After a few minutes they pull back and Harry looks at his watch.

"It's nearly 7 am. I have to go back to the hospital so I will be there before Louis wakes up" Harry says in a hurry as he quickly gets up.

"Calm down. I will get you there" she says before she picks up her car keys and they leave the house.

"Did you drive here on your own?" she says in disbelief as they both look at the oddly parked car.

"It was important and don't worry, I had the best driving teacher" he says with a big smile.

"I know and I'm so glad you did" Anne says before they get in the car.

"Can we stop at the flat to get some clothes for Lou?" Harry asks as soon as they entered the car.

"Of course love. But we definitely have to check up on your injuries after we arrive at the hospital" she answers.

"Yes Mum. But only after I went home" Harry says.

"Home?" Anne asks.

"Yes home, because home is wherever Louis is. He is my home"

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