VII [Edited]

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Winnie's eyes were immune to darkness. She could see anything and everything that came her way. And something was coming her way.

A couple of male voices echoed through the silent forest. They assumed that they were alone in the woods but Winnie and Smok were prowling for prey when they were actually the hunted. "Hey," a loud voice called. "Did Winnie go this way? We need to capture her immediately."

Winnie had recently murdered several WARPs high up on the food chain compared to herself. Three captains by the names of Luke Greening, Ethan Pyra and Corbin Minho. Their teams were all out hunting her, ready to capture and torture her on sight.

A shaky breath entered and exited. The cold air that surrounded her mouth fogging up with her warmth. She closed her eyes and Smok, sensing his mistress's distress, set off back towards to shack. She knew that she could take on a single team since each team contained six members, but eighteen men would overwhelm her. Plus, since she could only see six males, another twelve were out there searching for her. Winnie needed to get back and warn Anna before they got there before she did.

Kammi and Anna giggled more as they curled up on the small couch. Anna had pulled the other girl into her lap and held her close. She pressed her lips to Kammi's cheek, smiling against the soft and squishy area.

Kammi sighed softly and smiled more, her cheeks hurting from all of the happiness she had received. Anna brought her even closer and smiled more against Kammi's cheek.

Then, Winnie burst through the door, sweat beaded together on her brow. She was panting lightly but the words she let out dropped like a bomb, "get supplies. They're here."

After letting those words sink in, the three girls ran into the rooms they thought held the most important things. Winnie ran to the kitchen to gather up as much food as possible.

Kammi, realizing how dire the situation was, ran to the bathroom to get all the herbs in her sight along with a few rags to treat any future wounds. She founds plastic bag that was holding a few pieces of cloth and dumped all of the supplies into it.

Anna stood up. She grabbed her book immediately and put it in a bag. She then piled in enough clothes for all the girls to wear for their long trip so they wouldn't have to wear the same clothes day-in and day-out. Anna then joined Winnie in the kitchen and packed up all the food and even traveled into the hidden room to get more blankets and books.

After a few moments, the three girls had their bags attached to themselves and themselves attached to Smok, the King Dryuk. Winnie rode in front to control the domesticated beast, then Kammi in the middle. In case she were to fall, Anna could catch her easily. Anna was behind Kammi with her arms around the small girl's waist.

"Shit," He screeched. "Jasper!" His teammate ran to his aid. "What's wrong? Did we lose her?" Worry and fear had rooted itself in the guts of the men of the soldier, Jasper, and their fellow comrades. Their very souls had been eggs of the emotion known as fear and clearly it had hatched into some sort of foul beast. "Yes," Jasper hissed through clenched teeth.

'Damn... I can't let my team down again. I am a Champlain... Hell! I am Jasper Champlain. Best damn general to ever lead a squad under Monroe,' he thought. He was strict and not one to be trifled with. Even the fellow replacement captains of the other two teams feared him, along with their fellow soldiers. No one was able to handle Jasper during a fit of rage. No man, woman, soldier, or even Monroe himself could stay near the man without cowering in fear.

A firm hand gripped Jasper's shoulder, shaking him out of his self-hating stupor. He blinked rapidly and looked to his right to find that a fellow blonde was grinning madly at him.

"Bono Akers," a light, unknown accent greeted him. "I know who you are, Akers. Now, why don't you tell me what the fuck you're doing here in my region of the search area," Jasper demanded. Steam would've been pouring from his ears if it were possible, but Bono only grinned with happiness.

"I found something, Champlain."

The band of girls and Smok had escaped only moments after they heard the men whooping and yelling with joy. None of the girls knew what they were yelling about, but it couldn't be good.

What they had found was Anna's one and only home. The men began to place small bombs around it and preparing to blow the place to bits which was a huge arrow to the heart for Anna. That was her home where she grew up in. The home where her mother died. The home that marked her mother's burial site. The home she met Kammi in. The home she had to leave because of Monroe.

Anna kept her face pressed into the crook of Kammi's neck. She wanted to stay the cool and collected sadist she usually was. While they rode away from her home, Kammi could feel the plentiful tears drip onto her neck. Sadness washed over Kammi like the ocean over a beach. She had no clue how to make the girl she kissed feel better and knew she couldn't do it with a simple hug- it would take so much more than that to cure Anna of a shattered heart. Kammi knew the fractures would only stab the ones she loved the most because Anna's heart was made of glass and when glass is broken, it cuts and maims and injures anyone who touches it. Kammi knew this because that's how she was. She couldn't tell anyone how she felt, so she just let the glass of her heart slice away at her insides.

Anna then grabbed Kammi by the shoulders and turned her towards the brunette. "A-Anna," Kammi stuttered. "Are you-" she was cut off by Anna pressing her lips to hers in an attempt to glue the broken pieces of both of their hearts back together.

Sonny Kancer, the third captain, was already at the scene of the escape made by the girls, studying the building and waiting for Jasper and Bono to arrive at the hut.

After a moment, the two other men ran to his side, panting lightly from the sprint to the area from their current position near the warehouse where Anna was beaten by the drunk and steroid driven captain, Luke.

Jasper hungrily drank in the appearance of the house. "Hmmm... I wonder who lived here. Maybe it was that bitch, Winnie," he thought aloud. "Or it could be the long known enemy of every Warp in this area; Anna Jiro. Luke had mentioned seeing her run in this direction before passing out from her kick to his head. Damn... Can't believe that he's dead. My own damn mentor," Jasper mused. Nostalgia hit him upside the head with a hammer when he started thinking about his dear mentor and friend.

A cough interrupted his thoughts. "Okay, Akers. Why the fuck did you-" he was cut off by the large Russian descendent. "I don't know what you're thinking about, but I know for sure this is Anna's place. There's a problem, though. That problem is that she's not here. And how would she know we were coming? Because that damn spy, Winnie, is unofficially buddy-buddy with her and they're off running away. The best part is-" Jasper cut him off with a punch to the jaw.

"I don't give a damn about all that shit because that's just some shit you've heard. Now, calm your ass down." Jasper growled menacingly at the taller male in front of him.

Shock filled Bono's face as he was slapped and nagged at. A soft 'okay' exited his mouth in opposed to his thoughts of going off on the other captain.

Sonny opened his mouth to say something but before he could, a loud explosion echoed behind him and through the empty forest as Anna's house was blown to smithereens; embedding wooden and metal shrapnel into the surrounding men with their wails of agony overpowering the destruction of the shack.

Jasper was able to manage one last look at the other captains before his head landed upon a rock and fracturing his skull.

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