North Korea x Reader - Witch

Start from the beginning

"Will you ever quit the staring? It's uncomfortable." The man bursted out, as his eye quickly turned to his left to meet the curious girl's glance.

The girl, to the man's surprise, did not flinch even when she met his side gaze, which successfully pissed the man's pocket to her. Without a word, she moved an inch closer to the man, and continued to stare at him.

"You... don't know who I am?" The girl asked, almost like a whisper. The man didn't answer her, he met the girl's glance, squeezing his own eye, as if wondering the girl was some kind of famous celebrity.

"Ha! I know who you are," the man said, his index finger pointed at the girl, standing up from the bench, "You are just an unkown, and miserable woman who craves for attention." He proudly announced.

The girl was rather confounded by the man's words, her lips slowly formed into a smile, later chuckling softly at the now blushing man.

"W-what? Did I not said it right?" The man pouted, his face was shaded with a flushing rose red, not because he was embarrassed by his own statement, but because he thought he saw an angel's smile.

Her smile was probably the most gorgeous, and prettiest smile he has ever seen in a while, much compared as when a spring flower spreaded its petals apart.

A smile that just seemed so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpectly rushed a guest of warmth through the man.

Ever since that day, (Y/n)'s Messiah has always been her side, though her Messiah preferred her to call him 'North'.

(Y/n) and North's bond have been growing rapidly, they talked about everything, and (Y/n) even started to fall for her own Messiah.

She loved how flustered North would be whenever she tried to have any physical contact with him, and loved his rare smile that would melt her heart and soul instantly.

It was about five months later, something happened. Horrifying? She doubt it, but she would have said it was rather a news that would have stopped anyone dead in their tracks.

"Oh look who it is?" (Y/n) heard a sharp voice, snapping herself back to reality. "I know, it's the Witch. She has been cursed~" A deep voice replied, snickering slightly.

(Y/n) didn't dare to look up, she couldn't have the courage to meet their gaze, they were filled with hatred, they didn't know the situation.

"Why didn't the government take actions? She's just a useless wimp, that's all. I doubt anyone would ever care about her existence." The deep voice questioned, it was like hitting a nail on the head, much like plenty of them.

"Sound good to me, it's just that no one could prove that trash could have the ability of murdering someone. She's just as weak as a feather, a gust of wind that could easily blown her away." The sharp one said, as he forcefully knocked (Y/n) down the bench with his filthy hand.

(Y/n) was expecting the wave of pain, but she was caught by a pair of strong arms. "I hope one day you both would choke on the crap you talk."

  The girl gazed at her saviour, apparently it was no other than North. "Tch, who are you supposed to be? I bet you are no one, so get out of our way if you don't want to be cursed by the Witch." The man with a deep voice demanded North, as he dragged North by his collar to face him.

  The funny thing was, North turned out to be much taller than the guy. The tables turned over quickly, North casually smashed his fist against the man, and his whole body, as if following the force given by North, flipped itself a half inch before landing onto the grassy land.

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