cRiPpLiNg DePrEsSiOn

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My friend is coming over for a sleepover in literally 20 minutes but I'm bored so have a short chapter!

ClAsS oNe GaY

Picachu: I kinda wanna stick a fork in an outlet 

tape me up: yooooooooooo

Tape me up: same

Acid: can someone pleeeeeeease throw a toaster at me??

Acid: I'm taking a bath

Picachu: are you texting us from the bath??

Acid: maaaaaaaybe

Tape me up: that's not good

Rock: what the heck is happening 

Smol might: yeah... what the heck

Picachu: we all wanna die

Icy hot: mood

Smol might: Shoto no-

Icy hot: Shoto yes-

Smol might: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Acid: awwwwwww~ since when were you two on a first name basis?~

Rocks: they have been for a while

Acid: o

Acid: I just never pay attention huh

Tape me up: you really don't 

Picachu: not al all

Smol might: yeah


Welp that was kinda short but whatever 
I cleaned my room today and it actually looks kinda nice

this is being put out in the middle of the day and I'm low key kinda proud for not posting at midnight 


Don't forget to vote for this chapter!!!

- Author_chan OUT

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