Hunger games??

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Hi! I'm alive and posting! It's been... A long week... Anyways... In order to write this I had to pretend to be tired and go to bed at 7:30 so that I wouldn't forget my ideas for this chapter... ON WITH THE STORY! (If some of the names in the group chat are wrong I'm sorry... I'm too lazy to go check what they are... (Some were on propose tho)

Midoriya's POV

It had been such a long weekend I almost forgot that school existed but alas... I have to go for five days a week...

ClAsS oNe GaY

Alien queen: Hey Uraraka?

Gravity?: ?

alien queen: can you levitate me into the sun?

Gravity?: what why?!

Alien queen: if I melted I wouldn't have to go to school

smol might: Bad Mina

Alien queen: :,(

Picachu knock off: I can electrocute you

Alien queen: :D

Todoroki: no

Alien queen: :,(

Smol might: no dying

Alien queen: fine...

Ductape: Chicken nug nug was victorious!!

Smol might: ... Wha

Todoroki: I'm confused

Picachu knock off: eh?

Headphones: we were playing Kahoot...

Ductape: my name was chicken nug nug

IiDAD: we have class in 10 minutes! You should be getting ready!

Pock, time skip brought to you by a random sock

​​socko ( oh my lord... I can't even with autocorrect at this point... 'I'? No, I think you we're trying to type socko)

I walk into class 1-A and take my seat silently.
after a few minutes of waiting, the usual caterpillar of our teacher butt- scoots into the classroom and stand up slowly, slowly sliding his sleeping bag off as he does so.
"I'm going to be starting today off with an important announcement..." He says in his usual, tired voice, "we're going on a field trip on Thursday, b-" he gets cut off by the sound of students cheering.
"BUT!" He shouts, getting everyone's attention, "it isn't a normal field trip... We will be training..."
a few groans can be heard but the rest of the room is silent.
"I guess you could describe it like the hunger games.. But there's no killing... Instead there will be targets attached to you that your opponents will try to hit, one hit and you're out."
I look around the room and see panic on a few faces.
"don't worry too much... You all will be in teams of 2... Your teammates will be randomly decided by me, everyone understand?"
Everyone nods.
"good... Now time for the teams..."

I finally had inspiration! Sorry about the cliffhanger... I'm mad at myself for it... I had to stop eventually... It's not that late! It isn't midnight!! It's only eight twenty- two!
im very proud of myself Anyways...

Don't forget to vote for this chapter!

-Author_Chan OUT!

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