wtf Kami...?

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I am alive!!!! It's like midnight rn but I really wanna update (the characters nicknames are constantly changing because I'm too lazy to check what they are)

ClAsS oNe GaY

Knockoff Picachu: anybody wanna hear a random fact about Alice In Wonderland?

Green bean: Im gonna say yes but I'm probably gonna regret it

alien queen: sure!

knockoff Picachu: the initial idea for Alice in wonderland came from a crack head pedophile who wanted to eff a girl named Alice 

green bean: ... Yup... Regretting it...

Candy cane dood: ...

Candy cane dood: what happened to my username?

Alien queen: tee hee

Boom boom boi has changed candy cane dood's name to icy hot

icy hot: why?

boom boom boi: I felt like it


i know this chapter is really short but I just wanted to let you know that I'm alive!
theres gonna be a lot more posts on weekends after school starts cuz ill be done with my summer homework that I've been seriously procrastinating on... 
ALSO!! I get my bird cage tomorow! I'm really happy about that! 

Don't forget to vote for this chapter!!!

-Author_Chan OUT!!

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