park fell to his knees once again and mark rushed over, something about the way he just flopped worried the older. park was in a terrible place, and mark was beginning to wonder if maybe he wasn't as angry at him as he had thought he was.

if he could just convince park to tell the truth when he gave his statement.... tell the police jaebeom stabbed bambam.... that the bullet was out of self defence....

everything could be fixed.

"what...what do i do?" park's tears didn't stop, "i've ruined everything. i've messed everything u- bambam's gonna hate me,"

mark pulled him closer, stroking his arm gently, "park, we'll get him out," he said sternly and it was the first time he noticed how close the two were, their faces only inches apart. his breath caught in his chest. up close, park was even more gorgeous.

but it wasn't the time. mark needed to focus, needed to convince park to help convict jaebeom.

but his mind was wandering and as much as he hated to think it, mark was beginning to enjoy park's company more and more, and maybe even found him kind of attractive. despite his love of the enemy. he felt gross thinking it, but the boy truly was beautiful. painfully so.

park rubbed his tears away with the back of his hand, "jinyoung. my name is jinyoung."

a tense chuckle escaped mark's lips, "well then... jinyoung we'll get him out, you were just doing what you thought was right,"

park said nothing in return, just nodded and let a few more stray tears fall down his cheek. his messy hair was falling into his face and mark reached up and pushed a few strands behind his ear, smiling softly as he did so.

"you'll be okay... gyeom will be okay,"

the man didn't look nearly as frightening as he once had. he looked vulnerable, and mark almost laughed at the idea that it was him looking after park and not the other way around.

park looked to him with quizzical eyes, though they were still red with tears. his hair fell back into his face.

"i uh... you had some hair in your face and i dunno i just-"

"kiss me mark tuan."

"what?" mark almost didn't notice himself take a couple steps away from park. park, who wasn't dropping this weird lusty eye contact.

"i need to get over jaebeom." he said, "otherwise i'll keep on doing bullshit like this. so... kiss me,"

there was a weird desperation in his voice that made mark's stomach squirm in discomfort. everything felt weird and wrong and park's gaze was making him flustered.

he laughed, a breathless sort of laugh proving just now nervous he was, "a rebound? classy."

"shut up and do it,"

shut up. there it was again. park was always telling him to do that, to shut up.

still, mark's face grew to a deep shade of red, even his ears turned light shade of pink, "i-.. i don't want you to kiss me."

"well what if i want to kiss you?"

mark didn't know how to react. so much had happened in the last 15 minutes alone, so why on earth was he stood next to park considering kissing him?

maybe a small part of him did really want to kiss park, but a small part that he hated, almost as much as he hated park.

and now was not the time, mark thought. he didn't want to kiss park, he wanted to pull yugyeom and bambam into his arms and cry with them as everything went to shit. they had become his best friends, he needed them.

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