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  "This might be a totally inappropriate question, but is Chris a little socially impaired? Like with Asperger's or something?" He could hear Irene's delicate voice ask Helen.

Delicate was the perfect word to describe not only Irene's voice but her entire being. Despite an Iranian mother and Spanish father, Irene was an albino with a BMI of 17. Pale and frail with a timid disposition, people tended to baby Irene and make sure her every need was being met.

Chris was no fool though. He could see her for who she really was: one of the Anunnaki. He'd had his initial concerns about Irene's true heritage when he'd first overheard Helen gossiping to another postdoc in the lab that the new PhD student was an albino. Albinos could not be trusted.

When Chris met the girl, he knew immediately he was right to be concerned. The paleness, the height, and of course the eyes. She checked off so many of the criteria. And then he found out her father was from Iran - the origin of the bloodline of the Serpent Kings? Chris was not a racist. Anyone could tell you that. His best friend was black! The blacks could be trusted mostly; they were the original terrestrial beings, and the Anunnaki didn't see them as being as intellectually advanced as the Ayrian Martian race that later ventured to earth. See - he wasn't a racist. It was the Anunnaki that were.

The Iranians, however, couldn't be trusted. It was despicable that this girl had been added to the team with such ease, even if she was technically "a UK citizen."

Chris knew the truth. She wasn't a UK citizen: she was a citizen of the Lower Fourth Dimension. He hadn't accounted for the fact that she had lived amongst humans long enough to understand social norms unlike many reptilians who had no understanding of inappropriateness. Chris had let his guard down during what he had hoped would seem like a casual questioning of her background and realised he'd maybe probed too far. She was on to him now.

"Chris Thompson?" Helen responded, "I've always thought he seemed perfectly normal."

Chris knocked a beaker off the bench he had been wiping down and Helen and Irene both jumped round, startled. They clearly hadn't realised how close by he had been, and Irene flushed as she looked away again. He knew she was feigning the embarrassment it appeared she was currently feeling - he doubted she really had the emotions to feel embarrassed at being caught asking such a question.

It was worrying, however, that Irene was already on to him. She had noticed Chris' observing her, and falsely mislabelled it as social impairment, rather than truth seeking. He couldn't go on like this much longer though, he would have to switch tactic, sooner or later, otherwise his research would go nowhere and would have been for nowt.

He'd started writing a book on how to identify the lizard people. Irene would be Case Study #1. It was yet to be decided what the step after identification would be, but he was thinking something along the lines of elimination. The planet needed to scourged of these evil beings, and he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. He was going to have to be careful though, not everyone would be able to see Irene for what she was and he wouldn't be able to rid Earth of lizard people from jail.

Still, Irene was on to him. He wouldn't even be able to rid his lab group of lizard people at this rate. He'd have to change tactics, and subtly. The Anunnaki were sharp, and he didn't want Irene to become even more suspicious of him.

The only option left was to seduce her. Chris was a good-looking chap after all, and he'd always had luck with the ladies at Aberdeen Herpetology Truthers. He'd show her how smooth he was, that would serve her right for questioning his social abilities.

There would be a tiny little obstacle in this plan though. A 6'7" hunk of an obstacle named Max. Max was Irene's long-term boyfriend who he'd heard her tell Helen all about. Max was wonderful, Max was amazing, Max was kind, Max was thoughtful, blah blah blah. They were all such generic comments that Chris wondered if she did truly love Max. Their relationship seemed bland and uninteresting, and Chris had deduced that her principal reason for picking him was that Max seemed to have desirable physical qualities, that would help her future half lizard-half human children be as strong as they could be. What other reason would she have to pick a mate than world domination?

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