Chapter 9: Kisses and Bruises

Start from the beginning

"Is these boxes for your husband?" there, I said it.
I watched as her eyes held something and I knew it must pain her to talk about it, but I was curious and I was tired of seeing her in distress.

She sat there for a while until she spoke, "Yes," she looked up at me then sighed, "We're getting a divorce and all these boxes are his," she put her head in her hands and I couldn't help but feel bad. I hate the thought of their divorce ending because it's always a hard thing to go through.

I went through my parents divorce and it killed me. I didn't want it to happen but it did. The day my mom told me that they were separating, I was freaking out. I couldn't understand it at the moment because I was young, but I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to have to choose between my mom or my dad because I wasn't ready to have to face that.

But I didn't have to choose because my dad moved to Texas a year after and of course I didn't go with him.

My sister and I stayed here with mom for the next six years until she died. Then everything turned to shit and my life went straight to hell.

I looked down at Mrs. Chou as she sat there with her head in her hands. I needed to do something, anything to make her feel better.

But what?

I knelt down in front of her and grabbed her hands away from her face. I watched as her eyes met mine and I could see tears forming in the corners. It broke my heart to have to see this woman like this, because I've never seen her so vulnerable before.

"Tzuyu," she slightly smiled and it made my stomach explode with butterflies. "Everyone goes through something in their life that breaks them down, but once you realize that greater things are coming, you'll pick yourself up again and become better than ever," I smiled and slowly reached my hand up to her face and wipe away a tear that was about to fall. I caught sight of her smiling and I smiled back at her.

"You are something, Sana. You are truly a gift from God because I never heard such an inspirational message from an eighteen year old," she squeezed my hand and I felt every current of electricity run through my arm.

I smiled at her, "I'm more mature than you think," I noticed that she was still holding my hand and I'm not sure if she even knew that.

"You are, and that's what makes you unique," she lifted her hand up and pulled a strand of hair behind my ear. She smiled at me and I was instantly lost in her smile.

We were inches apart and I'm not sure if she felt what I felt because at that moment, I was burning up. I felt my cheeks begin to burn and my palms were sweaty. I knew that I wouldn't be able to hang on for long from being so close to her.

I felt a pull and I could not ignore it. I slowly leaned in and felt my own heart beat out of my chest from all of my emotions happening at once.

I felt my lips on hers and that's when I knew that this magnetic pull was beyond anything I could control. At that moment, I didn't care if what I was doing wasn't right, my heart was screaming while my mind was racing.

It only took a second to realize that she had pushed me back and was now standing up, looking more pissed than ever.

"What are you doing!?" I could practically see the steam rising from her from even on the ground. It was scary but somehow I wasn't scared.

I watched as she walked away to the door. She stopped and turned around to look at me, "You need to leave," was all she said before she walked in and slammed the door.

Now I'm sitting on the ground, confused and possibly broken hearted. I couldn't understand what just happened because my brain can't process everything all at once. It was like a dream and a nightmare all in one.

I just kissed Mrs. Chou.

I got up and immediately walked out of her garage and onto the sidewalk. I didn't know what I was doing, but she told me to leave. I don't even know if I know where my house is.

I decided to walk, because it was better than standing there in front of her house where she can see me and possibly throw something out of the window at me to make me leave.

I didn't understand though. I mean, I know I kissed her but she saw me leaning in but yet she didn't stop me then. I didn't have any control over what I was doing because it was like everything in my body turned against me.

I just can't believe I kissed her.

What's going to happen now?

I was walking down the sidewalk when this car pulled up next to me. I looked towards it and saw a guy jump out and I instantly knew who he was.

Yoona's friend

I panicked and started running but it didn't do me any good because he grabbed me from behind and pulled me towards the car. I started kicking and tried to punch whatever I could, but it was no use, he was stronger than me.

I noticed that we were still a little in front of Mrs. Chou's and I decided to start screaming. It was my best bet and if she heard me then she can come out and stop this guy.

But she never heard me, so I was forced to be put inside the car. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I looked around and noticed that the guy was sitting in the back with me and two other guys in the front. I knew that this couldn't be good.

"Yoona told us that you were missing," I looked over and saw that guy staring at me and I wanted to throw up. I could barely look at him without feeling nauseous. He wasn't that bad looking, but he just had that look in his eyes that made you want to turn away from him.

I noticed that he was still staring at me, waiting for me to answer. I didn't know what to say because honestly I was too scared to. I shook my head, "I wasn't missing,"

He smiled, "We kind of figured that, but you wasn't home so she sent us to look for you," he looked out the back window than at me, "Where were you at?" I stared at him as he looked back at me and I knew that I could not give any information out.

I shook my head, "Just a friend from school. It's really none of your business," I didn't know why he wanted to know, it wasn't like where I go was anything he should be concerned about.

"Your sister asked because she's worried about you," oh please. That is such bullshit. My sister doesn't like me going anywhere unless it's to the store for her and anywhere she wants to go.

I rolled my eyes, "How thoughtful of her," she couldn't be anymore like a sister to me than she already was.

He kept staring at me and it was really making me uncomfortable. "Your sister is thoughtful. She's an amazing woman," oh gross. He reached over and touched my arm and I pulled back really fast. "Don't be like that," he scooted over to where it made me move back against the door. "You know.. I've fucked your sister," I stared at him as he looked at me, "I know what she tastes like, smells like and looks like," he kept gazing down at me and I felt my insides turn. "I wonder that about you," he slowly reached down and unbuckled his belt and that's when I knew I needed to get out.

I tried to open the door again but it was still locked and I couldn't pull that thing up to unlock it manually. The guy grabbed my arm and made me turn towards him. He had a look in his eyes and I knew what he was thinking.

I couldn't think of anything else to do but to punch him. It hurt like a bitch on my half, I just hope it hurt the same way on his. I never actually punched anyone before and now I know why because that shit hurts.

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