after a few minutes of driving and laughing altogether, you arrived at your destination. you jumped out of your car after locking the vehicle, following reiner who was already knocking at the wooden door. you stepped back to admire the ebony woman's house, almost forgetting what it looked like after not visiting her for who knows how long.

     pieck lives alone when she started college but her beautiful modern home was pretty much big enough for a small family. the exterior and interior were beautifully decorated too, her parents paying a lot of money for it to be enough for their daughter. it was hard to tell whether or not pieck was even rich as the woman rarely wears any designer clothes and barely spends her money, but her home was a huge sign to tell that she might be.

     the door opened and the face of the woman you were just thinking about appeared, a lopsided smile flashing across her face once she saw the two of you. she opened the door wider and let you two in. it was dark inside her home, all lights turned off, but down the hallway you had to venture in, you could see the television as the only source of light.

     when you got close to the group in the living room, you could hear their loud chatters and arguments echoing with the television noises in the almost empty room.

     "i'm here!" reiner exclaimed, arms wide as he crashed down on zeke and bertholdt's lap on the couch who was sitting with annie. they groaned in pain and complained at his weight, trying to push him off the couch to which they were successful as he fell on the ground with a thud.

     "nice to see you join us, y/n." porco greeted from his place on the floor, a blanket covering his lap. you rolled your eyes and chuckled, sitting down beside him after greeting the others who cheered at you for going through your promise.

     reiner got up from his sprawled position, after whining at the pain and plopped down beside you, messing with your hair before looking at the television to see a random commercial playing.

     "pieck, hurry up!" zeke called out impatiently.

     "if you want something to shove down your throat then you better wait, you ass!" pieck answered irritatedly from the kitchen. you shook your head and snorted as the two argued once again over something ridiculous, filling the house with waves of laughter and insults as they both go at it.

     and pieck says that you and reiner act like an old married couple. how ironic.

     "this is why professor magath tells you to fuck off!" pieck yelled back.

     "if anything, he likes me!"

     "he likes me more!"

     after a round of bickering or so, pieck called you and annie to help her bring the food back to the group. you and the blonde stood up, smiling at each other as you enter the kitchen to see pieck placing the numerous bags of popcorn into a large glass bowl. on the sink was another unhealthy amount of salty and spicy chips, waiting to be devoured.

     "hey, you two." pieck hummed softly, throwing out the packets to a small bin next to her. "annie, can you grab the plastic cups and the two sodas in the fridge? thank you, love you."

     annie nodded and made her way to the fridge just behind pieck. the woman handed you the bags of chips while she held the large popcorn bowl with two hands, ready to give the food to the waiting hound dogs who would surely finish it in less than a minute.

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