Chapter Thirty-One: Attack

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Two Weeks Later - Wednesday, June 29th. 2016 - 10:00 AM



Taking aggressive actions against a place or enemy forces with weapons or armed forces, typically in a battle or war.


It had been two weeks since I was able to rescue Courtney and Dylan, and Hunter left the country with his two young children. We haven't any direct contact with him, but we do have people watching him at all times until Casher is six feet under.

Things have changed quite a bit, we've taken a "vacation" from school and I shut down the businesses I run. All employees were given paid leave until we have them come back. I had also moved everyone to the emergency bunker. Nobody really left unless it was to do something like grab groceries. The group and I had been stragetically planning on how we were going to attack Casher and the rest of his small, injured army.

Tonight is the night that we'll be attacking Casher.

Casher needs to be gone, and today is as good as any other day to attack. With tonights mission, we're hoping that we'll be able to get the rest of Casher's captive's out of the prison he created, while killing the rest of his gang that he assembled. With Casher himself, I'm going to be the one to kill him. He was the one to make my life hell the most. He was the person, the true person, that was behind making my life hell.

He constantly went after me, no matter where I was or who I was with.

I was destined for this life. I was destined to take over my parents legacy, he was not. And he just didn't understand that. Ever since I was born the plan was always that I was going to take over 'The White Wolves'. It was the way my grandparents planned my life to go. I don't know, and I will never know what would have happened had my parents not died, yet I wouldn't change the life I have now for anything.

My life isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn close.

I've had my own downfalls, but I've also had some of the best experiences of my life because of everything that I've been through in my short sixteen year life.

And I can't let anyone take away the joy I've recieved over the past couple years.

If I let them take my joy, my name wouldn't be Anastasia Marie Smith-Wolp...

A Few Hours Later- Mid-Afternoon - 2:15 PM 

"Everyone listen up!" I yelled to my inner circle and brothers, who were all in my office, arguing with each other.

They all stopped what they were doing and looked towards me.

"What?" Nathan asked innocently.

I glared at him.

"I know you guys want to help out, I understand that." I told my brothers, "You all, however will be more of a help here."

"What would we even be doing here that could help?" Jackson asked angrily.

"Yeah," Mason added, "We want to help you and be able to protect you."

"I need somebody to watch Courtney and Dylan. That's where you both come in, Mason, Jackson. You both know how important they are to me." I told them, "And I know you won't let anything happen to either of them."

Mason and Jackson's eyes lit up with pride. I was entrusting them with two of the humans I cared most about in the world. They know how much I love the little twins, and I knew they'd be perfect for the task.

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