Chapter Twenty-Two: Truths and Lies

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Time Skip - A Few Hours Later



In accordance of reality.


With intent to deceive.


It was only a few short hours later when everything really went to shit. I had gotten Matthew, Jackson, Mason, and Nathan all to my home safely. And when we got into what my brothers called a mansion, I sent them all to guest rooms to tidy themselves up while I not only spoke to my inner circle about what had just occurred, but also called James, giving him my address and regrettably told him that an incident had occurred and his brothers would more than likely want him there.

Inviting James into my home was not something I looked forward to doing, nor did I anticipate doing so, especially not so soon. It was rather something that had to be done. Whether I admitted it or not, James was my brothers support system while they were growing up, and it was only obvious that once the reality of the situation began to set in that they'd want their big brother.

No matter how much I detested him and we didn't get along, he was one of the things my brothers could associate with their safety growing up. 

And so now, James was on his way to my home and I was internally screaming.

How on Earth would I be able to convince the brothers that I'm in the process of having a relationship with that I'm not a ruthless, cold-blooded, heartless murderer?

How on Earth would I be able to convince the one brother that thinks he's practically a king to let this go without calling the cops and getting all of us put in jail?


About Thirty Minutes Later

All four of my brothers that I had saved earlier, Matthew, Jackson, Mason, and Nathan, were now in my living room sitting on the floor, in front of my couch, their eyes locked onto myself, as James was pulling into my driveway.

Luckily, I had changed out of my clothes that stank from the gun powder residue. They were placed immediately into the wash, allowing for the evidence from my clothes to be erased from existence.

There was only two ways this conversation with James and my brothers would end up: I'd be in jail for mass murder or I wouldn't be.

I could only hope that the second option would be what ends up happening.

"Boss-" Luke spoke as he entered the room, "James' car just pulled into the driveway, he's parking now."

"Let's go get him them, yes, Luke?" I raised an eyebrow, pushing myself off the couch and into a standing position.

"Sure thing, boss lady." Luke smirked.

Together Luke and I walked throughout the house towards the front door, where James would be ringing the doorbell to at any moment.

"Hey, Lu?" I stopped walking.

"Yeah, Ana?"

"What do I tell them about earlier?"

"The truth." Luke paused for a moment before continuing, "You want to have a good relationship with most of your brothers, and the best way to start that good relationship is to be honest. Besides, if something does go horribly wrong we have all the security camera footage deleted, and it'll be their word against yours. We've got this. Just tell them the truth and we'll go from there."

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