Chapter Eighteen: Threat

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Two Days Later, End of September



A statement of intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in punishment for something done or not done.


I had been in the state of Wisconsin for two months now, much longer than I had ever wanted to be. Though, I had to agree with the fact that some good had come out of coming back to the place I once considered home.

I had finally started the long process of repairing my relationship with my twin brother, Nathan. My brothers had finally found out the truth behind my parents death (and me not being involved) and Dane lying about trying to rape me.

I found it comical in a way, it almost seemed as if I was in a story where bad shit was destined to happen to me. Though, that thought seems utterly ridiculous inside of my head.

However, things were finally beginning to look up in my life. 

My life was coming together.

But all good things must come to an end.


It was Saturday, and I had already finished my morning routine of working out with my best friends, getting showered and dressed, waking my babies up, getting both babies showered and dressed, having breakfast, and finally starting the company section of my work load.

I was working on going through the three-hundred-plus emails that had been building up throughout the week. I wanted to get that number down to at least one-hundred and fifty by tonight, so I could do the other half tomorrow.

Life was always playing on replay. It was doing the same things over and over again.

Monday through Thursday wake up, work out, get showered, get babies showered and dressed, get myself dressed, have breakfast, drop babies off, go to school, pick up babies, work, have dinner, work some more, put babies to bed, work even more, and then finally go to bed. Then repeat the next day. 

Every other Friday was spent either at school or at the new location site for our next office building.

Then the weekends came. Saturday and Sunday's were spent trying to complete homework, extra company work, gang work, and having family moments.

It was on a constant replay, like a record. I didn't mind, but I wished for nothing more than a breakthrough in my teams struggles to find out what happened to our parents.

Their deaths would forever play an active part in our lives, but until we found their killers everyone was in danger and we all knew it. Life was stuck on repeat, doing the same old things, until we find a way to take down whoever ordered their people to kill our parents.

But just like that, life changed. 

The record screeched and time seemed to stop for minutes on end.

What Wyatt found changed everything...

Flashback - Thirty-Six Minutes Ago

"Ana! You need to come in here!" I heard Wyatt shout.

I sighed, slowly pushing myself out of the comfortable rolling chair that was in my personal office. I had been working for five hours straight, and I was incredibly exhausted already, plus my body did not want to move from its current position. 

I was by no means a lazy teenager, but if for only a moment, my inner teenage self was coming out, despising the fact that I had to leave my comfortable position in my comfortable chair. 

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