Chapter Five: Conversation

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A talk or exchange of words between two or more people, generally in a friendly manner.


I was going to be having a conversation with six teenagers (three being girls, three being boys) and four adults (three being males, one being female). According to one of the teenage girls, Layla, it seemed that their parents were all best friends, and used to be best friends with my parents when our parents were in high school.

I don't exactly believe the teenagers and their words, considering there's no proof, but maybe if they're correct then I won't be murdered by the group of ten people who's home I'll be going into.

We were walking back to their Aunt Alex and Uncle Miles' house. They only lived a few blocks away from the bridge I had been sleeping under. Tonight I'd have the conversation with Alex and Miles, before we'd decide if we believe each others own truths.

Maybe it was the idea that I would be okay with dying if anything went wrong, that made me agree to do something totally out of character, but I know I'm getting the familiar feeling of my anxiety creeping up on me. The clammy hands, sweaty palms, stomach churning, headache forming, feelings I always get when I'm anxious and ready to have an anxiety attack.

No matter the outcome of this situation, I really won't be at terrible odds. If they murder me I can no longer feel pain and I'll no longer worry about having to potentially go back to the hell house. If they do turn out to know my parents from when they were younger, that means these people were trustworthy, so I'd be safe and my life would hopefully start looking upwards.


It took us thirty minutes to walk the six blocks in order to get to their Aunt and Uncle's house, but we were here.

My eyes were burning from the tears I had shed earlier, my face was puffy and swollen, my hands were shaky, legs were aching, and my stomach was churning.

I watched as one of the three teenage boys in front of me, Luke, I think his name was, pulled out a set of keys and began to unlock the door to the large house (practically mansion) in front of us.

After unlocking the four locks on the door, he pushed the door open and walked through, leaving everyone else to follow behind. I was one of the last two to enter the house, the last one being the boy who held me while I sobbed earlier. I'm pretty sure someone called him by the name Wyatt.

"Come on." Jamie smiled at me, grabbing my arm lightly after she had grabbed my attention, "I'll take you to their office."

With a nervous look on my face, I let Jamie guide me away to what could potentially be my doom.

"Good Luck."


Jamie led me up two flights of stairs, making my aching legs burn even more than they had been. Once up the stairs, Jamie and I walked down a hallway that only had a few different doors leading to rooms.

We stopped in front of the last door on the right side of the hallway, Jamie knocked gently before speaking towards the door, "Uncle Miles, Aunt Alex, it's me Jamie. All of us found someone we think you'd want to meet. We're coming in, alright?"

It was quiet for a second before I heard a feminine voice speak in a quiet tone, "Come in, Jamie."

Jamie pulled the door open and walked in confidently, with me following behind timidly, as I took everything in.

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