Chapter 3: Night out

Start from the beginning

"Stop doing that," I gave her a questionale look as she held my chin in her fingers, "Stop looking away from me," I was about to say something but the bell rung and it startled both us of. I jumped back and heard her chuckle as she waved bye then walked away.
I don't know how much longer my heart can take.


Classes seemed to drag on, like they never wanted to end. It was ridiculous. All I was ready for was art so that I can see Mrs. Chou again and get my project done. I didn't care about any other class, which is crazy because I should since I was failing.

I did manage to bring up my grades a little, which is good, but not enough. I still have so much shit to do and I don't know how the hell I'm going to do it. I can't get anything done at the house, and I can't stay after school everyday to do it.

I heard the bell ring and I was more than thankful to get out of there. I ignored everyone as I was walking down the hall and to the lunch room. I didn't really want to be in there today because I didn't bring any money and I didn't feel good. My head was still hurting and I keep getting dizzy.

I sat at a table away from everyone and waited for Hanbin. I'm not sure if he even knows that I'm in here because I hardly stay in the lunch room. He always asks why I never eat or why I don't come to lunch, but of course I have to lie to him.

I saw him walk into the lunch room and I watched as his eyes scanned the place until they found mine. He looked more 0than surprised and I smiled as he made his way to me.

"Wow, it's like seeing a unicorn in a rain forest," he sat down and I watched as he opened his backpack and pulled out some stuff.

"That's a funny way of saying it's good to see me," I watched as he looked up and smiled. I know that it's strange to see me in here, but I am not a unicorn.

He pulled out two bags from his backpack and gave me one. I looked at him and he smiled then motioned for me to open it. I slowly opened the bag and pulled out another smaller bag then opened it up to pull out a sandwich wrapped in a paper towel. I looked at him as he smiled and I felt tears in the corner of my eyes. I wiped my eyes then stood up to walk to him and hug him.

"Please don't cry, girls are so emotional," I chuckled as I sat back down. I looked at him and thought how lucky I was to have a best friend like him. He was truly the best and I couldn't ask for a better friend.

I unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite of it. I don't remember the last time I ate because it's been a while. We never have food at the house because Yoona spends the money on things for her. When I do get to eat, it's not a lot. That's why I never can eat lunch at school because I never have any money.

As I was eating, the pain in my head started coming back and I winced in pain. It's been doing that all day and it's annoying. The pain would subside after a minute but when it comes back, it's worse.

"Hey, are you ok?" I looked up to see Hanbin staring at me and I know that he must have saw me and now I have to come up with another lie for him. It's a never ending circle of lies when it comes to him, I don't know why I have to be put in this situation where I have to keep lying to my best friend.

I nodded as soon as the pain went away. "Yeah, I'm fine," I continued to eat and hoped that he would drop this conversation.

"Is it your lady problems?"

I nearly choked on my sandwich when he said that. I looked up and saw him smiling and I wanted kick him under the table for almost killing me.

I couldn't help but smile, "No, it's not my lady problems," he nodded then continued to eat. I thought it was funny that he would think I have cramps because I was making a weird face.

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