Mike follows and closes the door behind us.

"What's with the bandage on your head?" he asks as I plop my keys on the counter by the door.

"I slipped," I say. I'd rather not get into the other details with Mike.

"Are you okay?" he asks softly, lightly touching the bandage with his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I shrug away. Mike's touch feels foreign, unwelcome. The few weeks that we've been apart feel like a lifetime.

"I'm sorry, okay? I know things were tense and we both said some things."

"Did we, Mike?" I ask. "I feel like I remember you being the one 'saying some things.'"

"Come on, Ava, I'm trying."

"You're right. I appreciate that you're trying to make amends."

"So we're good?" he asks.

"I mean, I think I need some time. But maybe in a while we could try being friends."

"Friends? Are you serious?" he asks, his tone shifting from kind to aggressive.

"What do you expect, Mike? We didn't break up because of what you said in the heat of the moment. We're not what each other needs or wants."

"I expected you to come to your senses and stay with the only person in the world who loves you and has stayed with you through everything."

I want to tell him he's not the only person who loves me. I want to tell him that he doesn't deserve a medal for staying with me. But I'm exhausted and confused, and I don't want this conversation to keep going on all day.

"Well, then you expect wrong," I say.

"Are you fucking someone?" he asks.

"Oh my god, Mike. Are you serious? You've always been so freaking sure I'm cheating on you."

"Because you flirt with every fucking guy you meet!"

That's such crap.

"We're not together, Mike. So if I flirt with someone, it's not your business is it?"

"Did you fuck the British guy?" he asks.

I feel a pang of guilt. I didn't have sex with Zane, but I can't say that nothing happened between us.

"You did?" he asks, attempting to read my expression. "Of course you did."

He stomps over to the door and slams it as he storms out. I lock it behind him and drop to the floor, my back against the closed door.

Freaking men.

As I sigh, I feel a vibration in my pocket.

Mike: cheating skank

Way to make me not regret leaving you.


I knock on the door and hear footsteps descending the stairs.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

The door opens to reveal Ava in a green blouse and short black skirt. Her hair is wavier than usual and one side is pinned up with a barrette. She smiles as our eyes meet.

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