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Athena-I feel so good!I haven't been on wattpad until today for two days and I'm fully rested!!!!
Merida-You are much happier when you are fully rested

Athena-I know right!Lets go outside and explore!!!


Athena-Butts are for pooping!(That's from Adventure Time if you didn't know!Joshua says it in an episode!XD)

Jack-Okaaay...But we have a dare other than to the one for everyone to get sleep...

Elsa-So let's do it!

Christy-I dared it!Its for everyone to be lazy all day today!

Athena-Wow,when I'm not lazy you all want me to be lazy!*falls on couch and eats popcorn*

Punzie-How do you always have popcorn when you act lazy?

Athena-I have a popcorn power...I can make popcorn appear any time I want...*eats popcorn*

Christy-*sits next to her!eats some popcorn*

Merida-Well,I guess its lazy time!*falls onto a beanbag**falls asleep*

Jack-*Lies down on the floor cuz hes too lazy to move to a couch*

Punzie-*falls asleep standing up*

Elsa-*goes onto couch!eats chocolate!watches tv*

Athena-Elsa...Get me icecream!
Elsa-Its.too.far...*is sitting three feet away from fridge

Christy-Hic,you aren't acting lazy...

Hiccup-Oh,oops...*sits down awkwardly on a couch and tries to be lazy*Good enough?


They all fall asleep...
The next day

Athena-*wakes up*BUTTS ARE FOR POOPING!!!!!!Oh,where am I?*says sleepily*Hey!!!Thats where my sword went!!!*runs into the kitchen*

Merida-*wakes up**yawns*Wha?*puts pillow over her head**mumbles*Its too bright...

Hiccup-*closes a curtain*Its not THAT bright in here Mer...

Punzie-That was so refreshing!A whole couple days of not being typed about!

Christy-Where's Athena?*waking up*She didn't find her sword did she?I hid it...

Jack-*eats icecream*

Elsa-Well,looks like we have nothin else to do right now...So bye!




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