Sitting at the table are six people, if you could call them that. They all look as if they'd be ten feet tall if they stood up. Each one has a different color cloak on, all shielding their faces, and I swallow thickly at the sight of them.

"Hello Ancients," Reese finally speaks as he squeezes my hand reassuringly. "I know you have important matters to tend to, so I will make this quick. With all the respect, I give to you Juniper Dickson. She is twenty-five years of age, and has been a part of my life since the young age of five. I've recently rescued her from a human man who caused her great harm over the last seven years. Juniper has always been the love of my life, and I knew it before my first shift after the age of fourteen, but was not able to act upon it. Now, that I have her, I look for the approval from the ancients to have her rule at my side."

I stare up at Reese in awe as he speaks with power and authority while he professes his love for me. I've always dreamed about this day, but never like this. This is better than I could have ever imagined.

The room falls silent when Reese stops speaking and the first Ancient, who wears a black cloak removes the hood. It is a man with hair that matches his cloak, his features are carved in stone, his eyes have a mischievous glint to them along with a vibrant red color. The next ancient removes the hood grey hood of the cloak, and it's a woman. Stunning, she is. Her hair cut into a pixie style, ears like a fairy, and eyes to match. She smiles warmly at me. The next ancient removes the pale blue hood to reveal yet another man. His features are soft and feminine like the pale color of his eyes and long flowing hair. He too smiles at me.

The next two ancients reveal themselves at the same time. One with a green cloak, the other a yellow cloak, and my eyes widen when I see they are twin men. Identical to the point that I can't find a single facial feature to tell them apart. They smile wide and I quickly realize one has dimples and the other does not.

Lastly, the ancient with the pure white cloak reveals itself, and I gasp out. The woman's hair is long and so white it's almost blinding. Her irises are none existant, but I know she stares at me, but she does not smile.

"You bring us a human, professing that she is your mate Werewolf King?" The woman speaks, her voice eerily calm.

"Yes, wise one." Reese says confidently.

"And you know of the law." She states.

"Yes, wise one."

"So I ask you, why?"

"Wise one; I do not wish to cause harm to the werewolf lineage-"

"So I ask you again King Reese, why have you brought a mortal woman before us? To have her as a Queen would be of no problem but to bare your pups is another issue."

"Oh shut it Ivory," The Ancient man in black says with a smirk. "You know there is a way around that law, and it seems as though the Moon God wants the woman to be paired with the King, who are we to question him?"

"Ditis, you speak foolery!" Ivory spits back and I look up to Reese who seems tense at the exchange.

"Do I?" Ditis says as he glares over at the woman. "I speak truth, and you know it, so lets make this quick, hmmm? I find no reason this young woman can not be Queen--that is if she can defeat three of her challengers. Only then will she have the right to rule."

"Agreed." The other four Ancients say in unision. All of them except for Ivory. Her white eyes feel as though they are staring into my soul.

"Let me ask you something young mortal child," Ivory begins. "Are you pure?"

"Am I what?" I question, slightly confused.

"Are you untouched by another man? Has another man been inside you?"

"Yes, I am pure, no other man has been inside me." I immediately answer, knowing it was the truth. Kevin never once fucked me. Even in his drunken stupors, he always left me alone. I never knew why but I've always been grateful. Reese squeezes my hand tighter and I look up to see a hint of a smile on his face.

"Mmmm, very well. Now, I'd like to know how you plan on defeating three werewolves? One of our kind has the strength of three human men, and that's the weakest. The strongest, like King Reese, has the power of twenty. You are but a small woman, with no training or power."

"I can train to be strong, but strength means nothing without wit." My answer catches everyone by surprise. I can tell by the way the gasp. The man with the pale blue cloak, hair and eyes, claps frantically.

"She is marvelous, I do say." He hums.

"So you plan to use your smarts?" Ivory asks with a scowl now.


"And if that strategy fails, then what?"

"I don't have all the answers Ancient one, but when the time comes to fight, I will."

"Do you know what happens if you are defeated?" I look to the woman with the grey cloak and hair, as she raises a single eyebrow at me.

"N-no." I choke out as I look back up to Reese who is frowning down at me.

"Why don't you tell her what happens King Reese. Tell you mortal mate what happens if she is defeated by one of her challengers." Ivory says with a evil smile. Reese turns to me and cups my face in both his palms. His eyes are glossy with unshed tears and I realize without him saying a word what my fate may be. I'd read about it.

If I can not defeat my challenger, I must be killed for the sad reason that I would have knowledge of the unknown and consider a threat to their existence.

"It doesn't matter." I whisper up to Reese as I grab his wrist. "Because I won't loose."

"So it is settled." Ivory speaks breaking us away from each other. "You shall be spared today mortal, but we are expecting to hear of your victories against your challengers. If not, I will be coming for your head." With those parting words, Ivory along with four other ancients disappear. The only one left still seated is Ditis.

"There is a way to ensure your victory, but it will not be easy." He speaks to us. "King Reese, knows what I speak of." And with a wave of his hand, he too disappears leaving us alone. Reese pulls me towards a door in the far corner of the room, and when we walk through it, we stand in the kitchen of his home. I go to speak to him but he walks away from me without a word, and I'm left standing alone.

Confused and absolutely petrified.

*I need some good juicy books to read on dropped your favorite naughty author*

Mine is my good friend @pleasefancyme and the biblicalsinner

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