"Mrs. Cobb you don't have to ask me that. But won't one of your sons want you to live with them." I asked her. Mrs. Cobb smiled at me. 

"My boys and my Percy never really got along. That's why they all moved out by the time they was 18 years old. I wrote them, but they all don't want us. I don't blame them they got there own lives to live and 2 of my sons are well, they like to gambler and be with working girls." Mrs. Cobb said to me. I smiled at her. 

"I bet they would love Miss Opal White." I said to her. Mrs. Cobb laughed a little. 

"But if something would ever happened to Mr. Cobb, Brantley and I would love for you to live with us. You are the only grandmother my daughter knows. Plus you have a special way with her that Brantley and I don't." I told her. 

"I'll pay my way to live with you. And I will help you with the raising of your children. I just don't know how to be alone. I'm sorry for that but I was so young when I married Percy and--" I cut Mrs. Cobb off. 

"You will always have a home with Brantley and I. With one child or if we have all 6 of our children." I told her. She looked at me. 

"6 children." Mrs. Cobb asked me. I smiled at her. 

"Yes ma'am. I've always wanted 6, so that's what I want. Plus Brantley is okay with that number. As long as he has a son to carry on his name he is fine." I told her. Mrs. Cobb wiped her tears away. 

"I understand if you needed to speck with Brantley over this matter---" I cut Mrs. Cobb off again. 

"Brantley will listen to whatever I tell him. He might be the man, but I run my family." I told Mrs. Cobb. 

"Thank you Luci. You are really the daughter I've always prayed I would have. Your mama did a great job with you and when it's my turn to go home I'll be having a long talk with your mama. I know she is proud of you and Ms. Lydia." Mrs. Cobb told me. 

"Thank you Mrs. Cobb. Mama was one strong woman. I only wish she was here with me and my family." I told her. She gave me a small smile. 

"She is here. Looking at you I can only imagine what she was like." Mrs. Cobb said to me. I gave Mrs. Cobb a hug. 

"I do love you Mrs. Cobb." I said to the older woman. Mrs. Cobb gave me a kiss on my cheek. 

"I love you too. Now let's go and help Doc Addison. I need to keep this mind off of my old husband. Lord help him." Mrs. Cobb walked out of my classroom. 

"Dear God, please let Brantley and Otto get home before it's too late. Amen." I said a small prayer. I walked out of my class room so I can help with the sick.  

I made my way to one of the room where we have some of the townspeople who are sick. I was doing everything I can to make everyone at ease. Without any meds a lot more people are going to die. After I was done in this room I walked over to the wood stove so I could put a few more logs in there to make it warmer. Doc Addison we need to keep it as hot as we can so the fever will brake. I thank God that my Lydia is away from all of this sickness. 

I walked over to where Rev Meyers is so I can cheek up on him. I saw he was sleeping so I wipe off the sweat from his face with a cool rag. Whis Brantley and Otto get here soon. Over half of the town is here sick. I was saying a pray when I looked up and saw Miss Opal White standing there looking at me. 

"Miss White are you okay?" I asked her. I really don't like this woman at all, but if she is sick she has come to the right place. 

"No. I was hoping I could help in someway. I walked from the Cobb's Store and that Matthew's girl, you know her you are allowing that child to watch your daughter. Where is your husband at? I need to talk to him." Miss Opal White said to me. If I could get by with killing this woman I would do just that.

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now