Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning, and everything was peaceful. The birds chirped happily, and sunlight streamed in through the rectangular hole in the wall that served as a window. Mark and Ace were still sprawled on the floor, asleep, both of them snoring loudly.
" It's a wonder I didn't wake up earlier because of the racket they are making. " I thought to myself, laughing quietly. I leaned out the window and peered down to the ground. The bushes didn't rustle, and there were no animals in sight. The wind had stopped, and even the birds had stopped chirping. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. Everything was still. Too still. I gently shook Ace and Mark awake.
" Guys." I whispered " Something's not right. "
" What do you mean something's not right?" Ace asked, yawning
" Yeah, what do you mean? The sun is out, the weather is nice, and we are safe in a treehouse. What's wrong? This is the most perfect day we've had since, like,ever! " Mark added, in a voice that I thought was a bit to loud.
" Shh! Be quiet! Don't you feel it? " I asked " Someone is watching us, waiting for us to do something, and it's not a good watching like what Ace was doing. It's bad. "
" I think you're just paranoid. " Mark said
" Are you sure your nerves aren't just acting up after all the action you've had in the last few days? " Ace asked, and he, unlike Mark, actually seemed concerned.
" I'm absolutely positive. " I replied " Should we check it out? "
" With caution. " Ace said. " We will all go down the tree together ok? There is a way out from the back of the tree, so if there is something, then we will at least get a second to see them. "
"Ok." Me and Mark both replied. Mark didn't look so happy now. Everyone felt it now that I had pointed it out. We started down the back way, and each leapt to the ground.
" You sure that everything isn't ok? " Ace said.
" Everything is still quiet, there is something that's wrong.. " I began, but then a group of men dressed in camo with their faces almost completely covered except for their eyes leapt from the undergrowth and pointed their guns at us. No doubt they were from the government. But how did they find us?
" Hands up. " the leader of the men said gruffly. This guy really meant business. You could easily believe that if we didn't put our hands in the air he would shoot. Ace gave me a meaningful glance. It was almost as though I could tell what he was saying by looking at him. Put your hands up and attack. Then make a run for it.
" Ok. " I said to the man, as Ace and Mark put their hands up. I was the only one without my hands up, and all the men had their guns pointed on me. " Hands up. "
I jerked my hands into the air, and as I did so, the guns all the men were holding were yanked by an invisible force out of their hands. My telekinesis. This was the most weight I had ever picked up before, and yet, I felt no weakening if strength. Adrenaline probably. I telekinetically tossed all the guns backward, away from the men and us. This confusion among the men gave Ace just enough time to turn into a full grown male lion and leap forward, teeth bared, with a frightening roar. Many men scattered, but some remained. Then we attacked. Mark understood what was happening, and quickly teleported behind a man, and with a quick punch in the jaw, knocked him out. I had telekinetically grabbed one of the high tech rifles that I had thrown behind me, and started shooting it. I wasn't the best of aim, but at least I was able to wound them enough to make them back off. But they just kept coming. They flooded into the woods, surrounding the three of us, who were all backed up against the tree, me throwing telekinetic punches and kicks with all my might, Mark I had handed my stolen gun, and Ace kept transforming into the animal that could do the most damage. From snake, to eagle, to cougar to bear, he just kept transforming. By the looks of it, he was able to manipulate a couple soldier's minds because they just kept repeatedly shooting the same tree over and over. Ace transformed back to human long enough to yell " Run! I will catch up with you! Head north, people are expecting your arrival! " and then transformed into a wolf before we could argue. It was clear what he was going to keep fighting with or without us. To the death of either him or the enemies that just kept coming. He let out a loud bark in our direction, which I somehow understood to mean " Leave now! " Mark got the message to, and before I could run over to Ace's side to help him, Mark grabbed my hand and we teleported as far ahead north as Mark could see. And he kept up this process, always appearing about 400 meters from where we were before. Until suddenly, I heard a woman yell, " Over here! Over here Nick and Mark! " I ran towards her, and she quickly began to run over to a cave. We followed her, and in the cave was a small waterfall. " jump through it. " she commanded. " Hurry now. Not much farther to go. " we jumped through the waterfall. And then there were two more tunnels and she ran down the one to the left. We also, ran down the one to the left. There was a staircase carved into the rock that spiraled down and we followed the woman down it. When we got to the bottom, I saw one glance of the giant underground city, and then collapsed, fainted from exhaustion and fear.

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