Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of Ace screaming at a eight foot grizzly bear. I got up quickly, and yelled as I telekinetically kicked and punched it, and the commotion woke up Mark, who quickly started teleporting all around it, making it confused. Ace transformed into a giant mountain lion and attacked the bear. They tumbled through the bushes and with a roar, Ace sunk his fangs into the grizzly's neck, but with the weight of the mountain lion and my telekinesis pressing down on it, the bear struggled to no avail. Suddenly it stopped writhing, and Ace got off of it, walked a little ways from it, and turned back into his normal 17 year old human self.
" Are you guys ok? " he asked nervously
" yeah we're fine. A bit shaken up, but fine. I didn't think that grizzlies lived anywhere near here. " I said.
" and I didn't know that they grew that big." Added Mark.
" I didn't either." Ace mumbled uncomfortably. He wasn't telling us something, but I decided not to bother him about it. " We should probably get going. There might be more nearby. "
" Uh, Ace? Grizzly bears don't live even close to each other. Too territorial. "
" That's not exactly what I meant. There is probably more.... Predators near if you get what I'm saying. "
" I don't get it."
" just forget it then."
" Are we near the base?" Mark asked, changing the subject.
" About 60 miles. Two days walk. "
" Well, that's not so bad. " I said
We walked all the rest of that day, with no stops except for bathrooms and food. Food we brought with us and ate as we walked. We asked Ace questions about how life is like at the base.
" So, do you have any other friends there?"
" Not any super close friends, but there are very few people who hate me. I try to be friendly to everyone, but not everyone likes to be friendly back. Most people are very friendly and welcoming if you are, but some just don't want to be around you. That's ok I guess, but they still don't exactly have to be rude as they are. "
" You speak as though there is one person in mind. Who is this jerk?"
" Derek and his gang of friends. They think they are so cool. Derek is their leader. They have lived almost their whole lives at the base, and for some reason, that makes them think that they are super special and better then anyone else. When I comes to ranking though, they are all just the lowest of the Messenger sector. When I first came to the base, Derek started bragging about his " power " and acting as though he was the greatest person to even have a gift. Worse part is, his thing that makes him a supernatural is practically useless. And then he acts as thought every single newbie is totally weak and can't do anything. I proved him wrong. "
Ace then broke into a fit of laughter.
" He was like, " hey, kid! What's your power? " and me, automatically not trusting him, said, " I can just do some things. They're pretty cool. " and he says, " I bet it isn't as cool as mine " and started to go on and on about his gift. That was, until I turned into a tiger and started to prowl toward him. He hasn't messed with me after that, but he still hates me and every ' friendly ' competition between us is like life or death to him. Just stay away from him when you get there. You will be able to tell who he is. Trust me. "
" What are the tests like? "
" Oh, those are just to test you physical and mental limits. There isn't really a passing or failing, but the better you do, the higher you'll rank. "
" So do as well as you can. "
" Of course. It will also determine the type of training that you will have to do most. "
" And your test results were? "
" Undetermined. If you are undetermined, it means that you are a Versatile. Since I was the most powerful of the Versatiles, I rose to the rank of Versatile General. "
" What sector do you think we will be in? "
" I don't know. Personally, I hope you are a Versatile, because not only are we the coolest and have the least people in our sector, but as I said, there aren't many Versatiles, but so far, you two seem pretty special, so you might have a chance."
" What types of things do they use to test you?"
Ace smiled " Trying to be clever huh? That, my friends, I can't tell you. "
" Come on Ace please? " I begged " I really want to know. I have to be a Versatile, but his will I become a Versatile if I don't even know how to pass a test to be a Versatile?"
" That's exactly my point. It doesn't matter if you want to be a Versatile or a Combatant, or a Guard, or a Messenger, it's what you would do best at. Let's put it this way. You want to be on a school sport team. You don't really care what one you make it onto, but you need to make it onto one. You really enjoy Basketball, but aren't very good at it, you don't like soccer very much, but you are really good at it. Which team do you think you would help the most?"
" The soccer team. Duh. "
" That's what I'm saying. The leaders of sectors want to have the best of their type, the ones who would make a major contribution. If they got someone who didn't really help, it might slow the whole team down. Get what I'm saying?"
" Yeah, I guess. " Mark said
" Hey, it's ok if you aren't in my sector. We can all still hang out and everything. You both will probably be in the same sector anyway since you are twins and have a common personality. Sectors just do training together, that's all. "
We had just then reached out next " checkpoint " for the day, so we stopped and settled down. We all went ahead and slept since as soon as Ace decided we would go, we would automatically leave. That night, something felt different. I felt as though I knew who I was going to be. I wasn't Nickole, orphan freak with anger issues, I was Nickole, supernatural.

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