Chapter 26

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" You're finally here. I've been expecting you." He said, turning his chair around slowly.
" What? " I said, confused. " Why did you expect us?"
" Simple. Word spreads quickly in Terragentem. When someone lived there for many years, it's hard to not have friends still there."
" You? You have abilities too? "
" Why yes! You are such a brilliant guesser! " Shadevin said sarcastically. " And, you of all people, should know that I have an ability. We would have a special connectivity because of it you know."
" Huh?" I asked, totally confused.
Then Ace spoke up.
" Stop playing games Shadevin. We know what you are up to. "
" Why stop playing games when it's fun?" He asked.
Then, some force lifted me by my right ankle. I let out a scream of alarm.
" What's happening? " I asked, panicked.
I struggled, and started to telekinetically grapple with the force that had me upside down by the ankles. I finally pulled free of the force. The force felt familiar, but I was sure that I had never felt it before. I fell into a messy tangled heap on the floor.
" Ahh, of course, you Nickole, should know what happened. " Shadevin said smugly.
" You have it don't you? You have telekinesis. " I said
" Obviously. That took you a long time to figure out. "
" Nick, he's stalling! We have to capture him and get out of here. "
Ace slowly pulled out his gun. So smoothly that you wouldn't have noticed if you weren't watching his every move. Which president Shadevin wasn't.
" Do you all seriously think that I would just come with you as a captive? After I've taken all this work to harness an army of Supernaturals? They are probably at the gates of Terragentem by now. "
" Stop lying Shadevin." Ace said, trying to keep the anxiety out of his voice, but I could still hear it.
" Oh, but I'm not lying." He said pleasantly.
" Now!" Ace yelled.
We all leapt at Shadevin, ready to hold him down. My blaster was tucked in my belt right in my grasp, ready for me to yank it out.
He stood up, and shot out his hands straight in front of him. We all were frozen in midair. Then, we were thrown backwards and hit the wall. Hard. Shadevin not only had telekinesis, but he was also very very experienced with it. I scrambled to a standing position, as Mark pushed himself to his feet. Ace had hit hardest, and had a little trouble getting up as quickly as me and Mark did, and his ankle was bent at an odd angle. He winced as he stood up. By the time our trio was standing, Shadevin had his gun out and pointed at us.
" It's not too late you know." He said calmly. " You could all join my army. You all would rise to high rankings very quickly. All of you would be a major contribution. Imagine a world ruled by Supernaturals. Mere humans would be as clueless as they usually are, and they would easily be fooled into serving us. Ace, there are some of my army that have your powers and would help you improve. Mark, there is nobody in my army with your ability. You would get a piece of the army all to yourself. You, Nick, could be trained by me, one of the greatest of our shared ability in the world. "
At this point, I thought that this guy was too full of himself and the only thing world class about him was that he was was a world class jerk.
" There is no way that I would ever join your army for the entire world if it means hurting some innocent humans. " I said angrily.
" If you insist. I assume that the rest of you say the same?"
Ace and Mark nodded determinedly.
" Well, I gave you your chance. It's a shame that such powerful supernatural blood would go to waste." He said.
The gun in his hand glowed, and there was a shrill noise, and then a blast of light shot from the gun before I realized what was happening. Before I even had time to react, Ace screamed
" NO! "
I was suddenly knocked to the floor by Ace, skidding across the smooth tile. Shadevin's gun was steaming. And Ace was collapsed on the floor where I had been standing only moments before. The entire thing happened in about a millisecond, but it felt like minutes, felt like it had gone in slow motion. Mark was stunned into a shocked silence. I scrabbled across the slippery floor, to where Ace was.
" Ace? Ace? "
Was he dead? Or just knocked out? I then saw the red stain gradually spreading across his upper shoulder. Was this a deadly shot? He was unconscious for sure. I had no clue what to do. I was trained mostly for combat, not for healing the injured. I listened for breathing. Nothing. Was Ace dead for a second time? I turned to face Shadevin, tears starting to well up in my eyes. I felt rage, complete anger for this man.
" Who's next?" Shadevin asked coldly
Mark then came out of his shock, and his blaster glowed. With a scream full of pure hatred, he teleported as quickly as I had ever seen him , and he was behind Shadevin in an instant. Shadevin whipped around facing Mark, but it was too late for him. The Mark's blaster was already glowing at full power, completely charged. The high tech gun fired with a high pitched shriek, and the blast hit Shadevin point blank. He crumpled to the ground, revealing Mark behind him, blaster smoking. Mark leaned against the wall, slid to the ground, and covered his face with his hands and started to sob. I crawled over to him and wrapped my arm around him and did the same. Nobody wanted it to end this way. We didn't want to end up with any dead, not even Shadevin, and yet here we were, with two lifeless people.

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