Chapter 3

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This is where I blew up the door. Mark was being especially annoying that day. And I was just done with it. Since I spent so much time locked in my room, I didn't really have problems trying to fit in telekinetic practice time, so as you should think, I was quickly becoming better and better at controlling my telekinesis, and my mind was rapidly growing stronger. Mark also, was becoming better at his powers, and had the annoying habit of teleporting from one end of the room to the other. Today, he had been doing it for the last hour.
" Just stop it!" I yelled, thrusting my hands downward and clenching them into fists.
At that exact same moment, the door exploded everywhere. Not with flames or anything. The door itself just shattered and the pieces flew everywhere. Wood shavings covered the floor, and chunks of wood were lying anywhere with an eight foot radius of where the door had been. Mark had finally stopped teleporting, but how was I going to explain this? In an instant, Anne, the lady who owned the orphanage was up in what used to be our doorway.
" What has happened here? " she screamed angrily.
" I don't know. Looks like the door blew up. "
" I don't tolerate lying, Nickole. What has happened to the door?"
Then Mark, my amazingly defensive brother stepped in. " She is telling the truth. We were sitting in here playing a game of Monopoly, and then the door just suddenly exploded all over us." He said, dusting off the box of Monopoly that we weren't actually playing.
" First Miss Nickole, and now you Mark! You both lie, and then destroy everything! Why have you suddenly started doing this? I am completely speechless! Too mad for words!"
" Obviously you aren't to mad for words, because you are speaking right now." I muttered
" What was that Nickole? "
" I said ' Obviously we will have some great punishment for this, what is it now?'" I lied.
" I haven't even decided yet. Both of you, move to the spare room, and you will both have to sit in this room and not leave all day and night, all your meals will be brought to you. "
" Yes mam." We said sullenly.
To tell you the truth, we were happy that was our punishment. More training time! And, there was an old TV in our new room! It was really old and only played the news channel, but it still worked. We turned it on. We watched an hour of the news. The news went something like this,

This is your favorite news station, channel 6341, and we have a new breaking news story! Supernaturals have been recently found, and are now being captured and killed for the safety of our government and country. Let's see what the president has to say about all this. President Shadevin?
" Hello everyone. As you have just learned Supernaturals have been found and are being taken captive, and most of them, killed. You may ask, why are they being taken? I tell you now citizens, that the future of our nation and world is in great danger. These Supernaturals could easily take over the government and the rest of the world if given the opportunity. But now, you can rest assured, because we have all of our highly trained agents out there and tracking them, bringing them down. If anyone sees signs of Supernaturals, just call in and we will send some forces out there to handle it. Thank you, my loyal citizens, and help prevent World War III.
With that I quickly turned the TV off. If he wasn't done speaking, I didn't care, I was done watching that. Our lives were on the line. We didn't know how much time we would have left until they found us.
" What are we going to do? " I whispered
" One more night here and we run. " Mark said with all seriousness. " Ms. Anne already suspects something. "
We had planned to run away the next day, but things didn't turn out that way.

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