Chapter 20

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Early a few mornings later, we knew that now was the time for action. We had to get to the middle of the government headquarters, collect some useful top secret information about the government, and then skip right back home to Terragentem. No problem. Not. This was going to be a very difficult mission, with the risk of being caught or killed. The main information we needed was about the Supernaturals they had captured, killed, or convinced to join their army, and any information about battle plans. If we could get our hands on a blueprint of some major government buildings, we would be extremely lucky. We already had a general idea of what the government buildings were like because Liam and George had hacked into the government computers and security cameras, so they could access any information on those computers, and see whatever was shown in the security cameras. Not that any of the info on the computers helped, it seemed to be that the only computers that they had managed to hack into were ones that were mainly used for gaming or something, but they did find a really vague map of the building were all the information was stored. We had earpieces in our ears, so that they could give us directions and tell us what papers they wanted us to grab. ( yes, we still use paper sometimes. Especially for information that needs to be kept confidential, because you can't hack into a paper. ) According to Liam's findings, there was a room filled with files and files of top secret information, but somehow, we would have to find out how these files were sorted, and where the papers we needed were. Because that would be totally easy. Yeah right. Maybe they had a computer somewhere that would have the information about where these papers were put, but then we would have to find that too. And it's very likely that a computer that stored important info such as that would have high security, or at least a passcode. Since George was in control of the government security cameras, he would tell us if we showed up on any of them, and if we did, we would move, and he would delete any data on that camera with footage of us. We had a plan, and we were ready. Now we just had to figure out how to get in.
" Ok." Liam started to explain " So, it's actually simple to get in. All you do, is get Mark to teleport you inside. We will tell you the area to go to so that way you will naturally teleport to the right place. "
" How do you know that we will get in the right place? " I asked.
" Numbers don't lie." Liam answered, printing out a 4 sheet long page of complicated looking equations and numbers and such.
" Actually, I think I could do without an explanation. " I said before he started to explain the jumbled mess of digits on the paper.
" So anyway," Liam continued "We will guide you the whole time through the earpiece. You, Ace, and Mark need to stick together. The other two people on the mission, Adam and Ethan, both from the Combatant sector, will be distractions. They will purposely get caught on the one camera that George has allowed to work properly, but don't worry about them, they've got their own goals. Mark will teleport you guys in, and from there we will direct you to the top secret file room, and if you can find a computer that has the information about the stuff in those rooms along the way, that would be great. If you do find it, just tell us and we will give the instructions on how to hack into it. Once you get the files you need, Mark will just teleport you out of there. Just don't get caught. Seem easy enough?"
" Uh, No! It doesn't seem easy, but then, I did know what I was signing up for when I agreed to joining, so I guess I can't complain. " I said
" Wait, so how will you all know where we are in this government base?" Ace asked.
" Simple technology. " George replied " The earpieces, as we have said, is how we will communicate with you. You will also be wearing contact lenses with small cameras inside of them, so we will see exactly what you see. These cameras also have a mic, so when you talk, we will hear what you say. We will also be able to hear what is going on around you, so we can warn you if we think someone is coming and you didn't realize it. "
" That makes sense. " Mark said " can you show us how these work?"
" Yeah." Liam replied handing us each a box. " You need to put on this gear anyway. Go ahead and put it on now so you can adjust to it. "
I opened my box. Inside was a even smaller box, with a single circular piece of plexiglass and in the middle, you could see a small dot. There was also the earpiece, which was made of a clear plastic and you could see some small wires in it.
" The little box has your contact lens cameras. The dot in the middle is the camera, but once the lens is in your eye, you won't be able to see it since it will be on top of the pupil. The earpiece you have to stick way far down in your ear because we make it as quiet as possible, so to hear it you have to really get it close to your eardrum. " Liam explained
We did as he instructed, and once the lenses and earpieces were in, I couldn't tell much difference. Everything looked the same, and I could feel the lens in my eye and the piece in my ear, but other then that, there wasn't any differences.
" Everything fit ok?" George asked us
" Yup. So.. Mission is tomorrow?" Mark asked
" Yes, so get rest tonight, you've got a big day ahead of you."
" Ok. I think I will go ahead to my room now and get some rest." Ace replied
" Same here." I added
Mark also nodded, agreeing with what we had said.
We then all headed toward Versatile Base, unsure of what success or failure awaited the next day.

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