Chapter 22

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I unfolded the papers that Mark had printed out. Lots of numbers in boxes were shown. On the last five pages, there were lists of numbers, with a description of what was in each file.
" Everyone, take a page." Mark said
" No, we don't have time." Ace argued " We can't read through these until we find the right one, that would take twenty minutes at the least, and that's some time we don't have. In twenty minutes, someone might come in here or something. "
" I think Ace might be right on this one Mark." I said.
" Liam? You hear this?" Ace asked into empty air
" Yeah. " Liam replied back clearly through the earpiece.
" Is there some sort of scanner that we could use to find key words or something hooked up in the eyepieces?"
" I don't think so. I can help look though. Spread all the papers out so you can see everything on each paper. Ok good. Now I can read the papers using the cameras. Here, I might be able to take a screenshot of the screen and run it down to the machine that can get keywords if you want. You want me to go down there and hand over the headset to someone else? I could give it to my brother if you want. "
" Sounds good Liam. " Ace answered. " Go ahead and run the picture down to the key word machine thing, and put Spencer on air. "
We head some rattling, probably Liam taking off the headset and giving it to his older brother. In moments, we heard Spencer in our ear.
" Hey guys! You all are doing a pretty good job avoiding all the government folks huh?"
" Yeah, but right now, we can't really talk about that Spencer. Got any advice for us when finding these papers? " Mark asked
" Nope, that's my little bro's job. I hardly know how to operate this headset, let alone figure out where you are and all that stuff. "
" Well you sure are helpful." Mark said sarcastically.
" I know. Ok, Liam is back. That was quicker then I expected. Well, good luck guys. Not that you'll need it."
There was more clanking with the exchange of the headset back to Liam.
" Ok. The file you are looking for is in row number 164. The file box number is 17, and in that file box there is a number of files, you need to take the third one from the front. I won't be able to talk anymore, the headset is about to run out of power, I have to shut it down, otherwise it will crash all the technology we are using for this mission if it dies while everything else is on. I will still be watching though. Good luck, and remember the numbers I gave you."
Ace and I ran up and down the isles, while Mark teleported from one row to another.
" Found row 164." Mark said.
We came to him, and then found file box 17 pretty quickly. Opening the box, there were lots of files full of important papers in just that one box.
" Uhh... What folder did Liam say we should take from here?"
" I thought he said third one from the back." Mark said, right as Ace said " Third one from the front."
" Great now that we finally found the right file box, we don't even know what file to take. "
Me and Ace started to argue about the situation and how we should deal with it, but then Mark interfered.
" I don't know about you guys, but I'm taking all of these." He said, reaching into the file box, and taking out all the folders he could. Then with a crash, the box tumbled to the floor, spilling all the folders in it all over the floor. Papers were fluttering everywhere out of their files.
" Oops." Mark said quietly.
Me and Ace gave him an annoyed glare, and were about to give him a lecture when we heard lots of loud stomping footsteps coming our way. Alarmed, Ace dived to the floor gathering as many papers as he could, and I grabbed as many papers with my telekinesis. I saw a shadow come around the corner, and heard the footsteps get closer, entering the room. It wouldn't be long until they found us. Mark was at the edge of the isle looking around the corner of the file boxes to see how close the people were. I was still standing with bent knees with my hand in a file pulling out more papers, thinking that if the enemy is about to get me, destroy as much of their precious information as I could. Then I felt something ( or someone ) tackle me to the ground. I landed on Ace, who was crouched down against a file box still gathering as many papers as possible before the enemy found us. The thing that had tackled me still had it's hold on me, and had grabbed Ace too. I was about the fight back, but then was sucked into a teleportation portal. I landed in the soft grass a short distance away from the government information base, with both Mark and Ace next to me.
" Sorry about that. " Mark said. " They were at the isle right before the one we were at and I had to act fast, so I made a dive at you guys. It worked though."
" You do realize I almost attacked you right then right?"
" Yeah, I was expecting that reaction from you. I would've given you a warning if I could've. Wait, where are the papers?"
" I thought you had them!"
" No, you took them from me with telekinesis, remember?"
I was about to have a angry breakdown, but then Ace interrupted.
" Hey guys, look behind you. "
Ace had at least ten folders in his hands, and the entire file box 17.
" How did you manage to do that?" I asked, amazed
" I was the last to teleport, so right as we started to be pulled into the trance, I grabbed the file box that Mark had knocked over, and luckily, it was closed so all the files were still in it. The other papers and files I had in my hands already when Nick was shoved into me."
" Well, I guess that we got the information we needed and more. " I said. " Time to get home, before the government people come searching for us."
Ace handed the files off to me, and shoved the already wrinkled papers into the file box. Mark grabbed our arms, and once again, we were sucked into the teleportation dimension. We landed this time right in front of the gates of Terragentem. One of the guards let out a yell of alarm, but Ace swiftly stood up and made it clear that we were back from the mission. The guards gave us a respectful nod of acknowledgment and let us through. Mark was drained of all his energy, and when he tried to stand up, his legs collapsed from under him. When one of the guards asked if we needed to get him some medical attention, I just answered,
" No, it's fine, he's just exhausted from all the teleporting. We can support him back to our base. "
We helped Mark back to the Versatile Base, and along the way we got many shouts of appreciation. News in Terragentem passed around pretty quickly. Once entering the Versatile Base, we were immediately greeted by Spencer.
" Nice job guys! Everyone is ready to hear your story! Whenever you guys are feeling rested, of course. I assume that you all will be chilling for the rest of the day right? "
" Yeah. " I answered " I mean, look at Mark, he can't even walk. He had to teleport a lot today."
" Yeah, even Liam is resting right now. It was stressful for him, having to command the mission, even from here safe at the base. Poor kid, he thought that whenever something went wrong it was his fault. He's only 12, he seriously needs a break. To tell you the truth, I'm pretty proud of my little bro. Don't tell him I said that though."
" Ok, I won't." I said.
We finally got back to the living part of our base, and led Mark to his bedroom. Me and Ace also went our separate ways to our own beds. We completed our mission. We got the information that could mean winning this war.

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