Chapter 14

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Weeks passed by, with more battle and defense plans made. Everyone was preparing, knowing that we were always on the brink of danger. There were reports made daily about new Supernaturals being found. And then what we all had been waiting for happened. Attack. One of the Patrol Guards came running into the gates of Terragentem one morning and gasped out,
" Attack.... Above ground.... East border..... Armed men... Tried to stop them..." And then she collapsed into a heap before us. The moment she stopped talking, panic broke out. One of the Masters came out before the crowd and yelled
" STOP!"
Whether we wanted to or not, everyone stopped moving, frozen in time. Apparently that was one of the abilities this Master had. He spoke calmly and said
" Generals, you go and get your troops prepared. Everyone else, go back to your sector base and follow your General's commands. Please go now. No panicking please. "
Everyone unfroze. I quickly started back toward my base, and once I got there, everyone else had obviously heard the news, because they were already dressed in their battle armor. They had divided themselves into their designated three groups: Defense, Combatant, and Mid. ( Mid stands for middle, since they were right between Defense and Combatant. Mark stood at the front of one group, since he was the Commander of Defense, and Spencer stood at the front of another, being the Commander of the Combatants. The third group I was going to lead.
" Troops. " I stated loudly " As you have already heard, our Patrol force has been attacked above ground this morning 15 minutes ago. We are to head above ground and attack. Defense, form your traditional defensive formation around combatants, and follow your Commander's orders. Combatants, follow orders from your Commander until told to do otherwise by myself or a Master. Mid-Soldiers help where needed. If defense needs defense, help there and if combatants need some help, help them. Got it? "
Everyone nodded. I stepped to the front of the Mid-Soldiers and gave a nod to the Commanders, and we started forward.
"Liam, George!" I yelled " stay back and guard the Base! They need as much help as possible! "
" Yes General! " Liam shouted back. George gave me a salute.
I slipped my dual swords from the sheathes across my back, and levitated my shield in front of me. My throwing knives were slipped in the many little slots for them in my belt. We reached the gates of Terragentem, and went up the slippery stone stairs, and through the little waterfall hiding them. It was then that I realized that the waterfall was enchanted by something, probably someone's ability, because though I walked straight through the middle if the waterfall, I didn't get a drop of water on me. We finally reached the mouth of the cave and the sun shone brightly as though everything was perfect. But once out of the cave, it was clear that nothing was perfect. You could hear the screams and shouts of war. You could hear the gunshots. Nothing even felt right. But then I remembered Ace. What these men did to him. Something inside me turned dark, and then my internal flame of anger turned into an inferno. I swiftly and quietly lead my troops to where the battle seemed to be coming from. From behind a large rock, we saw it. Our soldiers were battling the enemy with everything they had, abilities and weapons alike. I turned to the soldiers in my command, and I think they knew what I was about to say.
" Troops, ATTACK! "
Weeks passed by, with more battle and defense plans made. Everyone was preparing, knowing that we were always on the brink of danger. There were reports made daily about new Supernaturals being found. And then what we all had been waiting for happened. Attack. One of the Patrol Guards came running into the gates of Terragentem one morning and gasped out,
" Attack.... Above ground.... East border..... Armed men... Tried to stop them..." And then she collapsed into a heap before us. The moment she stopped talking, panic broke out. One of the Masters came out before the crowd and yelled
" STOP!"
Whether we wanted to or not, everyone stopped moving, frozen in time. Apparently that was one of the abilities this Master had. He spoke calmly and said
" Generals, you go and get your troops prepared. Everyone else, go back to your sector base and follow your General's commands. Please go now. No panicking please. "
Everyone unfroze. I quickly started back toward my base, and once I got there, everyone else had obviously heard the news, because they were already dressed in their battle armor. They had divided themselves into their designated three groups: Defense, Combatant, and Mid. ( Mid stands for middle, since they were right between Defense and Combatant. Mark stood at the front of one group, since he was the Commander of Defense, and Spencer stood at the front of another, being the Commander of the Combatants. The third group I was going to lead.
" Troops. " I stated loudly " As you have already heard, our Patrol force has been attacked above ground this morning 15 minutes ago. We are to head above ground and attack. Defense, form your traditional defensive formation around combatants, and follow your Commander's orders. Combatants, follow orders from your Commander until told to do otherwise by myself or a Master. Mid-Soldiers help where needed. If defense needs defense, help there and if combatants need some help, help them. Got it? "
Everyone nodded. I stepped to the front of the Mid-Soldiers and gave a nod to the Commanders, and we started forward.
"Liam, George!" I yelled " stay back and guard the Base! They need as much help as possible! "
" Yes General! " Liam shouted back. George gave me a salute.
I slipped my dual swords from the sheathes across my back, and levitated my shield in front of me. My throwing knives were slipped in the many little slots for them in my belt. We reached the gates of Terragentem, and went up the slippery stone stairs, and through the little waterfall hiding them. It was then that I realized that the waterfall was enchanted by something, probably someone's ability, because though I walked straight through the middle if the waterfall, I didn't get a drop of water on me. We finally reached the mouth of the cave and the sun shone brightly as though everything was perfect. But once out of the cave, it was clear that nothing was perfect. You could hear the screams and shouts of war. You could hear the gunshots. Nothing even felt right. But then I remembered Ace. What these men did to him. Something inside me turned dark, and then my internal flame of anger turned into an inferno. I swiftly and quietly lead my troops to where the battle seemed to be coming from. From behind a large rock, we saw it. Our soldiers were battling the enemy with everything they had, abilities and weapons alike. I turned to the soldiers in my command, and I think they knew what I was about to say.
" Troops, ATTACK! "

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