Chapter 1

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Life in the orphanage was pretty mediocre until I accidentally blew up the front door. And as you might expect, that attracted a lot of attention. It wasn't really my fault, Mark was being super annoying... On second thought, maybe I should start at the beginning. My name is Nickole, Nick for short. I have a twin brother named Mark, who's always claiming that he is older, but I'm positive that I was born first. We both were born on June 21, 4028. I am from the future, if you didn't know because you didn't read the prologue, ( just admit it, most of the time prologues are boring ) I am 15 years old, and the current year is 4043. We have no idea who our parents are, because as I already stated, we have lived in an orphanage. We only have each other as actual blood relatives. They say, in the orphanage that everyone here is " one big happy family, and we should all treat each other as such. " Seriously? Yeah right. Next thing you know, they'll be saying " Hugging is loving! " Even the thought of hugging Mark makes me feel nauseous. Everyday we go to your average high school, Houghton High school. It's the boring high school that everyone has had to live through. Learning about technology that had been invented like what, 500 years ago? Most of our classes incorporate our modern technology, 3D holographic micro projectors, which is something that everyone owns. ( it's like you ancient people and your iPhones. ) Time travel is covered a lot in science, all about that weird energy source that they found on Mars 264 years ago. Of course, you wouldn't know about that yet, since it hasn't happened for you, but anyways, people in my time use it often. The important thing is that there is a lot more advanced technology in our time then in yours, and that I know how to use it. And that was my life as your average teenager. I think that you get my point. I don't think that things have changed much since your time, mind the advances in technology. I have attended your time period's schools you know. For all you know, I might be in your class right now. But that's a story for another time. My main point that I need you to get is that I am living in a very different world then you are, and I still was a normal kid like you, just in a different time period. But that was before strange things started happening.

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