Chapter 31

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In the corner of the basement, Bill spots a dirty, wet patch of yellow. He walks over and pulls at it, revealing Georgies Rain Slicker. Bill falls to his knees and starts to cry. Months of pent up anger and grief, he lets it all out. The Other Losers walk over and surround him, a circle of love and friendship

"It be okay Bill I promise, your brother Is watching over you and Ni now" whispered Beverly

Niall stands there confused, he isn't the one who shows emotion that much but he snatches Georgie's jacket from Bill and hug it tightly. They get out of the sewer leaving Georgie's jacket behind as Bill and Niall go home and packs to go on the holiday

"Are you two nearly done?" asked Zach

"Yes" replied Bill "I just finished helping Niall pack dad"

"We going to leave Derry for good and start a new life" replied Zach

Niall smiles and gets in the car as their friends walk over

"We will still keep in contact right Bill?" asked Ben

"Yeah" said Bill "w-we stay in contact and I phone y-y-y-you guys everyday"

They nod and watch Bill get in the car. They watch Bill and Niall leave Derry for good starting a new life

"They will finally be happy" said Mike

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