Chapter 11

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"Holy fuck. What happened to you?" asked Ritchie

Ben collapses as Bill helps him up and gets him on the back of Ritchie's bike. Everyone looks at Bill for answers when Bill notice Niall is not there

"N-N-Niall" stammered Bill "Where he g-go?"

The others shrug and get on their bikes and pedal to the pharmacy as they sit Ben down

"Niall going to be fine you know" replied Eddie "he always fine, he has no fears"

"I'm worried about him bumping into you know B-B-Bowers" Bill answered as he turns to look at Ritchie "you wait here"

Bill, Eddie, and Stanley rush in the pharmacy bumping into Gretta who glares at them and walks out, Eddie snatches cotton balls and antiseptic and bandages off the shelf like an expert. Bill checks prices

"Whoa, that's a lot of dough" said Bill "E-Eddie you have an account here right"

"You crazy? My mom finds out I bought this stuff for myself Ill spend the whole weekend in the emergency room getting x-rayed" Eddie explained

They glance at the mirror where Mr Keene the grumpy, eagle-eyed pharmacist watches them like a hawk as he fills prescriptions. Beverly comes up behind them

"Where's the fire?" asked Beverly

"None of your business" answered Stanley

"There's a kid outside that looks like he been killed" replied Eddie

"Shit. Can I help?" asked Beverly

"Y-Yeah, we don't have enough m-money" said Bill

Beverly goes to the counter and knocks a packet of cigarettes on the ground as Mr Keene leans down to pick them up. Beverly looks to Bill, Stanley and Eddie who grab the bandages and race out the store. Beverly strides outside as Bill stands there

"Th-thanks" said Bill

He tries to give her his crumpled bill and some change. She flashes a pack of stolen cigarettes. She looks over and sees Ben, Eddie and Richie in the alley. Staring at her. She waves but then realizes

"Wait Ben from sosh" said Beverly "You okay?" that look like it hurts"

"Nah, I be fine. I just fell" replied Ben

"Right into Henry Bowers" said Ritchie

"Sh-Shut it R-Ritchie" stammered Bill

"Why it's the truth and I bet you any money that's where Niall wondered off to" answered Ritchie "he left and he probably bump into Henry"

"Are you sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" asked Beverly

Ben smiles, nods. The inside joke between them eases the pain a bit. Hes about to say something but Bill interrupts "W-we take care of him. Thanks again B-Beverly"

"Sure. See you around" replied Beverly

Beverly walk away

"Nice, going Ritchie bringing up Henry" replied Stanley

"Yeah, you heard what she did" said Eddie

"What did she do?" asked Ben

"Nothing. They just rumours" replied Bill

Eddie starts patching Bill up

"Rumours?" said Eddie "we don't know that they are rumours"

"We should find Niall before he ends up in hospital" explained Ritchie "Bowers could put him in hospital"

"S-Shut up R-Ritchie" said Bill

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