Chapter 3

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Doors fling open and rowdy 6TH, 7TH, and 8TH graders spill out into the halls like sheep. Books are hurled in the trash, lockers emptied out, papers strewn all over -- summer is officially commenced, Ritchie is too busy putting his books in the bin

"Very nice Ritchie let the teachers know you don't like them" replied Eddie

"Well the teachers won't know and if they do they probably forget soon anyway" replied Ritchie "because they be too focussed on their other classes"

"He h-ha-hates his teachers" stuttered Bill

"I don't hate all my teachers Bill" answered Ritchie "just some, some are dicks though like Mr Jefferson's but I become a man by banging Ed's mum"

"Ritchie Gross" said Stan

Eddie kicks Ritchie who glares at Eddie. Bill continues to walk as Stanley follows him so Eddie and Ritchie decided to catch up. Meanwhile, Pudgy Ben lingers with his bike. He has headphones ON, connected to a Walkman. Doesnt hear the door open behind him and Beverly step out. Ben blocks her way. She taps him on the shoulder. Startled, he turns and rips off his headphones. Like hes embarrassed

"Are you going to let me go or is there a secret password or something?" asked Beverly

"Sorry" muttered Ben

He steps aside. But Beverly doesnt move. Instead lights a cigarette like a pro. Exhales a long stream of smoke before

"What are you listening to?" asked Beverly

She grabs his headphones before Ben gets a chance to react. Which is a shame. Because as she puts em on all we hear is -Ill be loving you forever... As long as you want me to be

"Wow, new kids on the block" answered Beverly

"I don't even like them, I was just you know" replied Ben

"You the new kid" said Beverly "I'm"

"Beverly Marsh" replied Ben "I just know cuz we were in social studies. Together, in the same class. You were... Im Ben. But everyone pretty much just calls me"

"The new kid" answered Beverly

"Even though I been here for four months" said Ben

"Well Ben there are worse things to be called" replied Beverly "can I sign your yearbook?"

She doesnt even wait for his answer and takes his YEARBOOK out of his hands. Opens it and sees shes the first, and only, to sign it. Her heart breaks a little for him. She writes Stay Cool and signs her name with three hearts. Ben sees a faint yellow bruise on her forearm. Beverly notices him noticing.

However, Bill, Niall, Eddie, Stanley and Ritchie are standing outside watching the mother of Dorsey, sleepless and desperately scans the grounds her eyes fall on them

"Where did you get up to twin?" asked Bill

"Learning support" replied Niall

"She actually expecting to see him?" asked Stanley

"You think they find him?" asked Bill

"Sure they will. In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots and smelling like Eddies Moms va..." said Ritchie

Ritchie is shoved to the pavement by Henry Bowers as his glasses fall off and loads of comics and video games spill from his backpack

"Sorry stinky never saw you there" said Henry

Travis kicks the glasses away. Victor grabs Stanleys yarmulke and tosses it into the window of a departing bus

"Frisbee fuck nuts" shouted Vic

Belch burps in Eddies face. Eddie wilts. Bill scoops up the remains of Richies glasses, smashed by the bus

"You suck, B-B-B-B-Bowers" stammered Bill

Henry and his gang face Bill

"You s-s-say something, P-pussy?" asked Henry

Everyone around them stops and watches, waiting for Bill to respond. Eddie gives Bill a look to shut it. He does

"Yeah, thought so. You got a free ride this year because of your little brother. But rides over, Denbrough" explained Henry


He starts to move toward Bill. But he catches sight of Chief Borton. Or more importantly, Officer Bowers. Henry's father. Henry looks back at Bill and the others. Tension. He steps back, giving the Boys some room to breathe. But not too much

"This summers going to be a hurt train, for you and your faggot friends" replied Henry

Niall glares at Henry and was about to lunge at him but Bill placed a hand on Niall's shoulder to calm him down and Niall just stares

"See you faggots around" said Henry

They watch Henry and his gang leave

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