Chapter 29

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"Baa" said Henry

"Guys -- its never good when the person with the knife starts making animal noises -- especially when that person is Henry" explained Ritchie

The Others race over. As Travis steps off the stairs, Mike guards the chute with the Stunbolt as the other squeeze themselves in and up

"MIKE LET'S GO" shouted Stanley

"Go and find the others I hold Henry off, I came prepared remember" said Mike

On the other hand, Bill runs through the sewers. Desperate. Up ahead, he hears Eddie SCREAMING. He races in the direction of his howls.

"EDDIE" yelled Bill

Stops at a Derry Public Works MAINTENANCE DOOR. Keep out. Bill looks through the small grated window to see -- The Hobo wrangling Eddie. His Hand of Disease smothering Eddies mouth as Eddie hyperventilates

"FIGHT IT EDDIE" yelled Bill

Seeing Bill, Eddies eyes go wide. Like a surge of life just rushed through him. He relaxes -- takes a moment -- then -- CHOMP! Eddie BITES into the gooey flesh of the Hobo. Stunned, Hobo releases and Eddie scrambles to the Door. But he slips on the muck and disgusting on his way over. Gets up. Finds the Hobo blocking his way out

"Looks like you are coming down with something Ed" said Hobo

Eddie balls his hand into a fist. And then SMASHES it right into the Hobos stomach. His fist travels through the blood and guts until it comes out the other side and -- Grabs the knob. Eddie opens the door as he pushes the Hobo aside and runs into the sewer And collapses into Bills arms. He spits out bits of flesh

"Im not scared anymore, Bill. Im really, really grossed out but Im not scared" muttered Eddie

Meanwhile, Ben, Stanley and Ritchie find Beverly floating as Ben jumps up to reach her and then they start frantically shaking her trying to wake her up but is it no use

"We got to wake her up" shouted Ben

Ritchie notice Stanley has wondered of and goes after him only to see Stanley unconscious as Ritchie notice a jack in the box when Pennywise leaps out of the box

"Pop goes Ritchie" laughed Pennywise

Pennywise -- as if mounted to a spring -- leans over Richie, ready to feed off the fear. Richie too scared to move. But as Pennywise gets nose to nose with Richie, his face morphs from flesh to the plastic skin of a toy clown. Hands grab Richie. He turns, freaking out

"It's us R-Ritchie" said Bill

Bill, Eddie and Ritchie are helping Stanley up. Bill catches something in the corner of his eyes a small figure wearing a yellow rain coat

"G-GEORGIE" shouted Bill

Bill takes off running

"Wait Bill" shouted Eddie

Ben kisses Beverly bringing her back as she hugs Ben. However, Bill stops looking around for Georgie

"GEORGIE" yelled Bill

He squints seeing something coming at him fast as he notice that it is Pennywise. Like freight train at full speed, charges into Bill and picks him up by his collar. Shoves him against a wall that only just now appeared behind him

"A feast for Pennywise. Ripe fear, raw fright, a belly full of blooddripping dread. Can you smell tasty Georgie on my b-b-breath, B-B-Bill? I bit down on his windpipe as his last word was uttered... Billy, he whimpered, Billy he wanted, Pennywise he feared and Pennywise I fed. I still pick his little boy meat from my teeth" explained Pennywise "now I grow hungry again"

"Y-Youre going to stay hungry. Were not scared of you anymore. None us of are. Were going to make your worst fear come t-true" said Bill "you going to s-s-starve"

Pennywise drops Bill and goes back into the darkness

"BILL" shouted Stanley "BILL"

"Over here" yelled Bill

They run over to Bill and helps him up

"It t-t-took off we n-n-need to find it and kill it, it won't s-s-s-s-stop until we do" replied Bill

They take off to hunt Pennywise down when they see Pennywise surrounding them

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