Chapter 10

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Eddie paces at the entrance. Stanley moves to join Richie further inside, scraping a branch against its grimy corrugated walls. Stanley turns to Eddie

"Aren't you coming in?" asked Stanley "I understand why Niall doesn't want to come in because of the smell but why not you Ed?"

"Uh, Uh it's grey water" replied Eddie

"What the hell is grey water?" asked Ritchie

"Tell them Bill what your dad said" answered Eddie

Bill is deeper in the long cavernous sewer pipe, which extends into pitch darkness. Niall keeps his nose covered whilst watching

"It's where all the w-wa-wash water and storm drain run off goes" replied Bill

"Its sewer water. Piss and shit. Im telling you guys youre splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee" said Eddie

Ritchie dips his stick in the water and then sniffs it as he looks at Eddie and replies "it smells okay with me" he looks at Niall "don't it"

"It smells disgusting" mumbled Niall

Bill sees something

"Guys" called Bill

They all shut up and turn to Bill who is holding a sneaker, Niall giggles and moves further back not liking the smell "It stinks"

"Shit, don't tell me that's" said Stanley

"No G-Georgie wore galoshes" replied Bill "Niall wear's sneakers"

Bill throws the sneaker to Ritchie who caught it. Bill nods to look inside. Richie flashes his key-ring light, sees D. CORCORAN written on the sole in black marker.

"Who's sneaker is it because Niall is wearing his" replied Eddie

"Dorsey" answered Ritchie

"Shit. For real? Oh fuck. That totally freaks me out" explained Eddie

"How do you think Dorsey feels? Running around these woods with only one frigging shoe" shouted Ritchie

"What if he is still here?" asked Stanley

Ritchie begins to search while speaking "at least it's not your mum's shoe Eddie, or else I will be upset because she is fit"

"SHUT UP RITCHIE" shouted Eddie "Bill?"

Bill who has been quiet finally decides to speak "if I was D-Dorsey I would want us to find me and G-Georgie too, we will find out who doing this"

"What if I don't want to find out?" asked Eddie "No offense, Bill, but I dont want to end up like... I dont want to go missing either"

"He has a point" replied Stanley

"Y-Y-You too?" questioned Bill

"Dont you guys feel it? Its like something is out there... watching us... like it wants us" said Stanley

"What are you talking about?" asked Bill

"Yeah, Stan you are really creeping us out" said Ritchie

Rustling from the bushes is heard as they freeze. More rustling as a figure comes crashing out making Eddie fall back, No one speaks as Ben steps forward bloody and beaten

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