Chapter 18

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"What's going on?" asked Stan

"Bev called, she freaked out about something... s-s-she told us to wait out here until" explained Bill

Beverly burst out of the apartment building and stops in front of her friends "I got to show you guys something"

"What is it?" asked Ben

"Did we just win the Publishers Clearing house ten million dollar sweepstakes? If Ed McMahon is in there Im to going to lose my sh..." answered Ritchie

"I just need to know Im not crazy. But my Dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in our apartment" said Beverly

"Ritchie can stay o-outside" said Bill

Bill, Niall Eddie, Ben and Stanley follow Beverly into her house and towards her bathroom. Bill pushes past Ben into the bathroom and stops to see the blood

"You see it?" asked Beverly

Bill nods and then asked "what happened?"

"The sink. It came out from there. My Dad couldnt see it. I thought I was going crazy" explained Beverly

"I saw Georgie l-last night" replied Bill

"Like a ghost?" asked Eddie

"Georgie is not dead Ed" shouted Niall

"N-no. He tried to get me to go into the basement with him. It wasnt just him either. I saw this other... I dont know" answered Bill

"The clown" said Eddie

Bill doesnt say anything. Which says it all. Eddie starts to hyperventilate. Everyone looks over at him

"G-Go outside and keep Ritchie company okay" ordered Bill

Eddie nods and leaves

"We can't leave it like this" said Bill

Bill, Niall Stanley, Ben and Beverly clean like grim elves, using a bucket of hot water, ajax, and some cloth rags. Slowly the blood washes out. Reaching for the same rag, Bill and Bevs hands touch, a spark between them

"Nice one Ni" said Bill

While Ben and Stanley carry out trash bags of soaked towels, Bill and Beverly pour the last bucket of pink water down the bathtub drain. The bathroom now as clean as it ever was. The bucket is filled with blood stained rags as Niall stands there sweating

"That was hard work" answered Niall

"It's not true you know what they say about me" said Beverly

"I know. I never b-believed it. None of us do. We like ha-hanging with you" answered Bill

"Thanks Bill" said Beverly

"Wait so if I go to your sink it would throw up blood, that is awesome" shouted Niall

"Dont thank me too much. Unfortunately according to most people hanging with us makes you a loser" replied Bill

"I don't mind being a loser" said Beverly

"If you replace the s with a v it becomes lover" said Niall

They exit Beverly's house to see Ritchie hugging Eddie who is calming down

"Did you clean the blood up?" asked Eddie

"Yeah" said Niall "the blood is cleaned up now and it looks good"

"Thank you guys so much" thanked Beverly

Niall smiles at Beverly and follows them

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