Chapter 22

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Bill hops off his bike and stares at the house. A little less brave now that hes there. As he walks a lone bird squirks across the sky somewhere overhead. Startles him. He stops. Regards the house.

"BILL" shouted Beverly

He looks over. Sees Beverly and the rest of the Losers ride into view. They skid to a stop beside him.

"You can't go in there, this is crazy someone could get hurt" replied Beverly

"I already said you dont have to come in with me. But what happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Dorsey? Or one of us? Are you just going to pretend it isnt happening like everyone else in this town? Because I cant. Even if I wanted to I cant -- I go home and all I see is that Georgie isnt there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals but Georgie... He isnt" points to Neibolt "So walking into that house... For me its easier than walking into my own" explained Bill

"Wow" said Ritchie

"What?" asked Niall

"He didn't even stutter once" answered Ritchie

Bill opens the door as everyone looks at him and he gives a quick nod as if to say ready whenever you guys are ready. Mike picks up a pole holding it like a weapon and everyone else copies. Condoms, Candy Wrappers, and Cigarette Butts litter the floor. Old Magazines and Newspapers stacked so high its like theyre holding up the second floor. And Graffiti. Its everywhere. Screw Derry. Just Say Yes. Class of Who the Fuck Cares. Everything about this place feels like a nest made by junkies and serial killers. Shredded carpet. Broken Furniture. The Losers take it all in.

"This place stinks" said Beverly

Niall is covering his nose

"Don't breathe in with your mouth or you be eating" Ritchie said looking at Niall "and he is eating it"

"If there's a well here it be in t-the basement r-right?" asked Bill

"Does this place even have a basement?" Stanley questioned

"I hope not" replied Eddie

"L-Let's find out" said Bill

Bill leads them towards the kitchen when they hear a child voice

"Hello, is someone there?" asked child voice

"G-Georgie" said Bill he shakes his head

"Hello" said child voice

They hear footsteps walking upstairs as Bill looks at Beverly

"We need to be cautious" said Bill

"Hello" called child voice

They move down the hall. Floorboards creeeeak and grooaaaan under them as they each take steps. As if any moment the floor might give way. The Losers look into the Bio-Hazard Bedrooms as they pass. Nearing the Corner at the end of the Hall

"Did you guys hear that?" asked Mike

They turn into another hallway hearing a buzzing sound coming from the plug, Niall covers his ears not liking the sound. From behind them they hear a squeak so they turn around to see Pennywise riding a small tricycle which the front wheel is bent, Pennywise stops. Losers press themselves up against the wall. Each grab hold of the other standing next to them

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" cursed Eddie

"WHERE'S G-G-GEORGIE?" shouted Bill

"Who's G-Georgie?" asked Pennywise "oh goody boys meat and girls meat so sweet and salty"

Pennywise stops. Considers the plug. He pulls out the TINIEST SCREWDRIVER EVER from his coat. Kneels and tightens the plug screws. But the buzzing continues. But then -- light bulb! -- a better idea. From his sleeve, Pennywise yanks out A bigger screwdriver. Like ridiculously big. Like it was bought at acme . And this he jams into the socket. Electricity surges through Pennywise. His collar smokes. Hair catches fire. He laughs, maniacal. An explosion of sparks, revealing -- Pennywise has transformed into a gruesome creature. His bulging eyes big but his toothy demonic grin even bigger. He lunges for the kids. They scream and scatter. As they run, the floor gives out behind them. Below is just a pit of blackness. It divides the Group from Eddie Teetering on the edge, he turns. About to fall in. But a hand reaches out and grabs him. Pulls him upright. Eddie relieved. Until he looks down at the hand holding him -- oozing with open sores

"Hi Ed" said Hobo

Eddie falls through the hole and lands in darkness pinned down by debris as the kids look around to see Pennywise gone

"We need to get to Eddie" shouted Ritchie

Using his good arm, Eddie tries to dig himself out from under the pile that has him pinned. Faster and faster as -- Refrigerator Door opens, revealing -- Pennywise. Contorted into the impossibly small space. He unfolds and untangles himself from inside the refrigerator. He straightens. Reaches down and grabs hold of Richies Broken Arm. Nearby, a door opens. An Orange glow pulsates inside, illuminating a set of stairs leading down to the Basement of Neibolt

"Time to float" said Pennywise

Pennywise drags Eddie toward the Basement Door. Eddie screams some more. Behind them -- The Losers appear in the Kitchen. United. They grab hold of Eddie. Trying to pull him back from Pennywise. Pennywise opens his mouth, snarling. Richie grabs Eddies Inhaler from his holster. Puffs the Inhaler in Pennywises Face. The Clown screeches Like its burning through his skin. He lets go of Eddie. Allowing the Losers to pull Eddie away as Mike throws the Fence Post at Pennywise. Spikes him in the chest. The Losers haul ass back into the Living Room

"GO RUN" yelled Beverly

They were about to run when Pennywise grabs hold of Niall and bites his neck as Niall drops to the floor bleeding out. Bill runs back and drags Niall out the house. They arrive at Eddie's house

"You did this to him, you know how delicate he is" shouted Eddie's mum

Bill had to leave Niall behind for someone else to find him

"We were attacked Mrs K" said Bill

"Don't even try to blame someone else" yelled Mrs K "Eddie is done with you guys I mean it done"

Mrs K gets in the drivers seat and drives off

"We need to go back prepared this time" said Bill

"Your crazy" said Stanley

"Why?" asked Beverly "he is right no one else is going to do anything"

"Eddie was nearly killed! By some shape shifting demon monster that almost used my guts for garters" explained Ritchie

"IT will never go away" said Beverly

"So I go away and never come back" replied Ben

"Oh who invited you into the group anyway? Lets face facts. Real world. Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us all killed just like you got him killed.." said Ritchie "just like how you let the clown bite Niall and now he is dying at the hospital"

Ritchie moves but Bill blocks him

"I didn't get my brother killed" argued Bill

"Get out of my way Bill, you couldn't save them but you can save yourself" said Ritchie

"T-T-T-Take it back, you are scared we are all scared but take that back" shouted Bill

They start shoving each other. Shoves turn to punches. A pounding of pent up anger, pent up fear. Bill lands a heavy blow and Richie falls to the ground hard. He gets up. His face stings red

"Youre just a bunch of losers and youll get yourselves killed trying to stop this stupid killer, when none of it makes any difference" shouted Ritchie

Pennywise the dancing clown Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz