Chapter 4

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Bill, Richie, Stanley and Eddie shake their backpacks out over a dumpster in the back of Keenes Pharmacy. Niall walks over joining them as he stomps all over his books and breaking his pencils and ripping pages.

"Best feeling ever" shouted Eddie

"I know what's better" replied Ritchie "Masturbating"

"B-Barrens tomorrow right" said Bill

Eddie, Richie and Stanley look at each other. The mood has changed. Niall giggles and looks at all of them and then stares at Bill.

"Are we really going to start of the summer by searching for dead Dorsey?" asked Stanley

"Stan.." said Eddie

"He isn't dead" answered Bill

"Just missing right, sorry Bill and Ni" replied Stanley

"Georgie missing still right, he young and don't know his way home and he is still missing. Everyone that has went missing hasn't been found yet" explained Niall

Ritchie sees Mike pedalling past them as he waves "hey home school"

"Hey" said Mike

They watch as Mike continues on, ultimately disappearing around the corner. Like hes some sort of urban legend

"Do home schooled kids even get summer vacation?" asked Ritchie

"Their whole life is summer vacation" answered Eddie

"I don't know, I bet it's lonely" replied Stanley

"My mum home schooled me once and it was pretty boring" giggled Niall

"S-So Tomorrow B-barrens?" asked Bill

"We be there" replied Stanley

They all peel off in different directions. Bill, Niall and Richie on their bikes, Eddie and Stanley on foot. Bill and Niall get of their bikes and walk up their drive way

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