Chapter 15

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Bill hands Dorsey Corcorans shoe, still wet in a marshmallow bag, a map rolled into it, to Chief Borton (50s, pudgy). The wall behind him is plastered with fliers of kids, each with MISSING or MURDERED over their smiling faces -- with names like Dorsey Corcoran, Betty Ripson, Chad Lowe, Missy Albrecht, and others aged 3 to 19. Niall is standing there reading them but struggling to stay focussed

"We found it in the barrens" said Bill

"Thank you son, we take it from here" replied Chief Borton

"If it's an serial killer aren't you meant to call in the F-F-FBI or something?" asked Bill

"The FBI. They must be real official" said Officer Bowers as he walks in

Niall shoves Officer Bowers not caring that he is a police officer, Officer Bowers handcuffs Niall to a chair


Bill looks at Officer Bowers "This isnt some joke. Look at all the bad stuff that happens here. People disappear here s-six times more than the n-n-national average. With kids its even w-worse and what do you do? Nothing"

"These things happen. Every now and then a town suffers some weather, doesnt mean we need outsiders lifting the lid in our outhouse. Derry can take care of her own" Officer Bowers answered

"Y-Y-You useless" shouted Bill

Niall gets free from the handcuffs and glares daggers at Officer Bowers at Bill takes hold of Niall's hand and leaves heading home. However, Beverly entered her apartment sneaking past her father into the bathroom.

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