A true hero

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"Don't worry Iida, I'm going to save you"

Adrenaline burned like fire through his veins. The frantic drumming of his heart threatening to pierce his chest. A couple of meters away from him, stood the one and only Hero killer, known for being a ruthless assassin. Stain killed dozens of pro heroes, spreading his ideology and making his statement loud and clear. All fake heroes must die. That seemed to be the only thing the media could get as information on him. His name, quirk, and origins were all a mystery. Everything they knew was that he went after whatever hero he deemed unworthy to call a true hero. It didn't matter if the hero was powerful or not. Nobody survives the hero killer unless he wants them too. Tensei Iida, also known as the turbo hero Ingenium, was nothing more than a message to the Hero world. A warning.

Now, standing before the murderer, Izuku couldn't help but feel intimidated. However, he needed to work past it. His friend's life was on the line. Stain was still somewhat shocked from his sudden appearance. Izuku took the chance to look over to his friend. Iida was lying face down, blood was pooling from a somewhat deep gash on his shoulder. Guilt gnawed at him. If only he was faster, then perhaps Iida wouldn't have been hurt.

His classmate was looking at him with a confused and angry look. His gaze was different from the soft yet stern look the class president usually had on. This was the same look he has seen at the train station. This look screamed Rage.

"Midoriya... Why?"

"Can you move? Make for the main road and get some pros to come and help us!"

"I can't- I can't move. He cut me, I think it's his quirk..." Iida's voice was hoarse, his words came out as gritted, pain evident in his tone.

"So, he needs to cut you for the quirk to work?" Movement caught Izuku's attention as he tried to figure out the vigilante's quirk. There, slumped against the ally's wall was another pro hero. Izuku recognized him as Native. This isn't good, if it was only Iida and him, he might have been able to carry him and run but now he'd have to stay and save the other incapacitated hero.

"Midoriya, don't...interfere." Every word was laced with pure fury, every syllable dripping with venom. "This doesn't concern you."


His words were cut off by a knife flying past by his face, grazing his cheek. The cut deep enough to draw blood. His head whipped back to the killer.

"You want to help your friend huh? 'I'm going to save you' Nice line, but it's my duty to kill these two. Society must be purged of all the fakes and if it comes to it, then naturally, the weaker of us will go down." His voice echoed through the dark alley. His words sending shivers down his spine.

The hero killer's eyes bore through Izuku, threatening and deadly.

Izuku couldn't win this alone. He needed backup, he needs to alert someone. Making sure none of his movements were visible, he slowly reached for his phone. Going through the familiar motions behind his back, he sent what he hoped was his location to all his contacts. Hopefully, someone would realize that something was wrong. He hoped so. Until then he will have to drive off the hero killer on his own. People's lives depended on him. He couldn't screw this up.

"Midoriya! Run! This has nothing to do with you!" He heard Iida shout as he strained to lift his head off the ground.

"Iida... I have a lot of things, I need to tell you but it'll have to be later. Because it's like a great hero once said. Helping people, getting involved, even when not asked for is the essence of being a true hero." Izuku raised his fist, his stance offensive and protective. He wasn't going to go down without a fight.

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