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Izuku went home that day, an unfamiliar feeling blooming in his chest. For the first time in forever, he didn't feel so alone anymore.
He'd used to dream about this, about actually enjoying going to school, having friends. People that genuinely cared for him.
For once, life didn't seem so bad. He came home to an empty house. A note taped on the fridge. Inko would be away for the next three days, it didn't say where. She never tells him where she goes. She just disappears for a couple of days every now and then.

He didn't care though, he learned not to look a gift horse in the mouth. That night he watched some movies in the living room, enjoying these rare moments of freedom. He's usually forced to remain in his room, his mother didn't appreciate him interrupting her peace and quiet.

The next morning, he woke up feeling safe. A welcome change from the constant state of alert and nervousness; not knowing when the next beating will be, the next lesson, the next punishment. He gets dressed, for once enjoying a small breakfast and taking his time doing his morning routine. It all felt surreal. Like life was just waiting for the right moment to pull the rug from under him.

He arrived early at school. As he was entering the classroom, his stomach dropped. Of course, his luck would run out.
He feels stupid now, thinking it would last. Thinking that maybe this time was different. Yet here he was, standing right in front of none other than Bakugou Katsuki. His suspension must be over.

Kacchan isn't sitting at his usual desk. He recalls it to be Kirishima's desk. Aizawa must have made them switch. He seems distracted by something. The only other people in the class are Uraraka and Iida. They're both glaring daggers at the blonde sitting in front of them.

Izuku freezes at the doorway, body tensing up and a phantom ache making itself known in his shoulder.

Bakugou finally notices him and they make eye contact. "Deku," Bakugou whispers in a low voice. It's the quietest, Izuku has ever heard him speak. He gets up and marches towards him in long strides. Unfortunately for him but mercifully for Izuku, Iida decides to step in between them, effectively blocking Kacchan's path.

"I believe you should stay away Bakugou. You've done enough." Iida's voice is firm, leaving no room for argument. However, Kacchan doesn't seem deterred. The latter scoffs and speaks up.

"Get out of the way four eyes, I just want to talk to him." He's not yelling, Izuku notes. Kacchan's whole demeanor is different than usual, he's quieter, more subdued.

"It's O- Okay Iida, Ka- Bakugou won't do anything to me." Kacchan flinches at the lack of nickname. It seems his shoulder drop even more.

"Are you sure about this Deku?" Uraraka, who has been quiet until now speaks up. Her voice is tinged with worry but her eyes are focused on him. Trying to convey some sort of message to Izuku. It's okay if you're not. Her gaze says it all.

Izuku nods and Iida relents, he steps aside but his and Uraraka's eyes are still narrowed on Bakugou. Their glare is piercing and their bodies are tense, ready to intervene at any moment.

"Deku I'm only going to say this once and you better listen up." His voice rises a little and he falters at the beginning but his eyes are burning with emotions, Izuku has never seen him like this. "I'm sorry." He says it like it physically pains him but he says it nonetheless. The fire in his eyes shows the sincerity behind those two simple words. Before Izuku has time to reply or react in any way, Bakugou turns around and heads back to his seat. No other words are exchanged between them.

The rest of the class trickles in, all of them eyeing Bakugou warily. However, seeing the lack of animosity between the blonde and their green friend. They move on.
Aizawa arrives, he glances around and seems satisfied with seeing Bakugou sitting quietly in his new seat. He announces that they'll be having a small field trip today.

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