10~sick day

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~no one's p.o.v~

They were shocked to see Lilliana cuddling kanato while he tells her a story about the boy who cried wolf.

"So when a real wolf came the boy ran to the town and cried "wolf wolf a real wolf" but no one believed him so he went back to defend the sheep from the wolf by himself but when he tried he got eaten along with the sheep. The next day people went to see him only to find an empty field and the boy's horn" kanato says as Lilliana claps.

"That's not how the story goes kanato" ayato decides to break the touching moment.

"Oh yea then how does it go?" Kanato says a bit defensive.

"Ah ah" Lilliana grunted(?) Telling them to 'stop Fighting' which they did.

After a while they all sat with Lilliana and kanato, it was only then that Lilliana got up "where you going white lily?" Ayato say, she points to her tummy and whimpers softly "bathroom, what for-" Subaru was cut off when she gag and all of them new why so the brothers rushed her to the bathroom.

~~time skip~~

After she was done shu picked her up and used a thermometer to check her temperature only to see that it was way too high.

"She's running a fever..." shu says lazily.

"How high is her temperature?" Reiji asks.

"110.6" shu answers "but we have school in a little bit whose going to watch her? We can't leave her with that mortal she'll hurt our precious little rose?" Subaru asks everyone looks at each other "I'll watch white lily until she's better" ayato says proudly as everyone sighs "no you don't know anything about taking care of a sick child" Subaru says "shhhhh" everyone looks at shu to see he places a wet cloth on Lilliana's forehead while she's asleep

"I'll stay with her if her fever continues then we take shifts in watching her ok?" Shu says as everyone nods


anyways I hope you're enjoying the book bye my lovely roses

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