2~introductions and a girl who cried wolf

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~Lilliana's p.o.v.~

as I heard the voice yui and I look towards the source to see a man with a fedora on his head, and a jacket under a school uniform blazer.

Then he suddenly appears beside yui and licks her cheek.

"Here let me have a taste" said another boy as he licked yui behind her ear causing her to squeal.

"She's sweet" the purple haired boy holding a teddy bear said "now how about you..." fedora guy says as he turns to me and that's when I get it these guy's are- "don't you think it's rude that you do such rude things to a person who you just met?" Said raven purple haired boy

~~time skip past the brother's appearing and introductions~~

Well I knew it yui being a dumbo tripped and is now bleeding has got the brother's eyes glowing 'i knew it they are vampires' I think as i look at them but next thing I know wolfie is out of my hands and I'm being dragged away with yui

Now let me tell you when Wolfe is out of my reach I become broken and dull yet I say nothing But one word, even though I'm mute I can only say the name of my stuffed wolf and that's it because I taught myself to say that anyway.

"Wolfie...." I say dully

"Don't worry about your wolf we have to find a way out of here" yui says as we pass by a table of sweets and I see kanato holding his teddy but no wolfie

"Wolfe...." I say and I knew kanato heard me but I don't care all i want is wolfie.

~no one's p.o.v.~

As yui dragged Lilliana she made it to a phone only to find that the wire is cut.

"I told you that you won't be needing a phone for your stay here bitch-chan..... now where's bitch-chan and moon-chan?" Yui heard and she backed away from the phone while dragging Lilliana of course.

"Found you~......."


Aaaaaaand another cliffhanger anyways I hope that you're enjoying the book more on the way so hope you enjoy bye bye my lovely roses

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