19~snuggles,cuddles and movie night

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It was quiet in the kingdom as Mariena and Karlheinz were asleep in their bedroom as the triplets were in the kitchen making popcorn and getting blankets and snacks along with sweets.

After doing that they go straight to Lilliana's room with everything they have and also to watch (any movie).

They were shushing each other as they passed by Karlheinz and marina's room.

When they get to Lilliana's room Subaru and Lilliana are already building a pillow/ blanket fort with the Occasional help of Reiji and Shu.

"We got the stuff moon-chan" laito says as he smiles

Lilliana smiles "thank you Lai Lai, Kan Kan, and ayay" she says

"We will never get used to you speaking to us" shu says as he takes out a movie and puts it in the DVD player before everyone is in their spots and start watching the movie 'the sandlot' then 'heathers'

After some time Lilliana was fast asleep so the brothers decided to watch a scary movie and their decision was the Texas chainsaw massacre.

While watching the movie they heard a knock on the front door scaring Subaru and the triplets "what was that?" Ayato asked for the knock on the front door came again "what if it's the-" Subaru was cut off "oh hush it may have been base on a true event but that does mean it's Really get a grip it's just a movie" Reiji said before picking up Lilliana and putting her to bed.

"Now bed time all of you" he says before they do a cuddle pile (or puddle?) And sleep

Hey guys I hope you're doing well I knew it may be short but I've been losing some motivation so yea bye

yui's mute younger sister (Discontinued, Sadly)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ