Lilliana Takashi

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first name: Lilliana

last name: takashi

mother: marina takashi {deceased}

father: tyron takashi {deceased}


likes: sweets, food, the brothers, her stuffed wolf named wolfie, singing through humming, fluffy blankets, and of course Chocolate

Dislikes: people being mean, yui, and getting scared


Race: moon child

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Race: moon child

Weapons: light weight synth

At the age of one her father started to abuse her but took it to far. Pining the young girl down and stabbing her neck where the voice box is rendering her a mute.

Nicknames for the sakamaki's:
Shu: Shu-nii
Reiji: Rei Rei
Ayato: Ayay
Laito: Lai Lai
Kanato: Kan Kan
Subaru: Susu

Nicknames for Lilliana:
Shu: little rabbit
Reiji: Lilly
Ayato: white lily
Laito: moon-chan
Kanato: sweet-chan
Subaru: little rose

yui's mute younger sister (Discontinued, Sadly)Where stories live. Discover now