17. Uninvited Guest

Começar do início

I blew out another long, shaky breath and blinked back tears at the thought of what I was going to do. Of what this was going to do to our relationship. To our family.

Julie's focus, I noticed, was still on me. Her expression turning sympathetic, even though we both knew there was no way for her to know what I was going through. Her eyes suddenly strayed out the window. "Hot damn, who is that?"

Everyone's attention moved to the window. To the man walking down the dock. Jackson and Noah tore themselves away from their work at Julie's loud explanation to investigate. I pushed myself off the wall and moved closer to the window to get a better look. To tell myself that this wasn't happening.

"Oh hell," I muttered as he walked casually toward the yacht. Hands in his pockets, long lazy strides, completely at ease. "Stay here," I muttered before moving quickly from the room and onto the deck of the yacht.

He walked calmly down the dock, his sole focus on the yacht and then me as soon as I stepped into view. And even though it was fairly hot outside, he somehow managed to blend in with his leather jacket-which no doubt hid his gun-jeans, and boots.

"How the hell did you find me?" I asked him as soon as he was within earshot.

"Are you telling me you know that fine specimen?" Julie whispered from right next to me.

I barely resisted the urge to jump away from her in surprise. Instead, I ignored her and focused on the man coming toward me.

"You didn't make the exchange," He started, instead of replying to my question. "which not only makes me and my partner look bad but completely stalls our progress in arresting your father Miss Carver."

I shrugged. "I got held up. And I'm fairly certain the FBI isn't supposed to operate outside of the U.S."

He shrugged, the movement causing his t-shirt to ride up slightly, exposing a strip of dark skin between the waistband of his jeans and the edge of his shirt. "You weren't answering any of my calls."

"I'm not obligated to."

I watched as Special Agent Damien North narrowed his eyes at me in a threatening away.

"You not showing up for the exchange doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture of you, Miss Carver."

"Excuse me," Julie said to me, low enough that Agent North couldn't hear. "You had this man's phone number and didn't think to share it with me?"

I gave her a deadpan look. "Julie, he's in law enforcement."


"You ignore every speed limit ever when you drive."

Julie took her time looking him over from head to toe and then again, not even caring if he knew she was checking him out. "He could arrest me whenever he wanted."

Agent North's eyebrows went up but he didn't say anything.

I groaned and turned away from her and back to him. "I couldn't make the exchange."

"Why not?" He questioned.

I let out a sigh, knowing full well he'd know if I was lying. "I didn't have the SD card."

It's silent for way longer than it should be.

"You want to run that by me again?" He asked, his tone of voice was calm, his entire posture was calm, and yet I knew he was anything but calm.

"I didn't have the SD card," I repeated. I noticed his jaw clench. "I was busy trying to get it back."

"Get it back?"

Catching the StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora