Chapter One

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August 9th / Serena

There was nothing like waking up to a good old peck-attack to the forehead. Serena sprang up from her bed from the momentary sting of pain and grumpily glared at Fletching - her mom's flying-type Pokemon that typically woke her up in this manner.

"Fletching! How many times do I need to tell you not to do that?" Serena complained

In response, Fletching simply landed on Serena's small table and blinked at her. Serena lunged at the Pokemon but missed as Fletching jumped on top of her head. She sighed and stayed in that position for a couple of moments until she heard the faintest sound of a vehicle come to a stop not that far away.

Serena got up and walked over to one of her windows, opening it up and peering out. It took her a couple of seconds to register the moving truck, with the bright sunlight bothering her eyes. From the looks of it, people were finally moving into the house across the street, which had been untouched for around a year now. She waited to get a look at her neighbors before going to meet them - which was inevitable, due to her mom.

First came out a boy about her age with brown hair and black eyes. He wore a purple sweater and black jeans, and over his shoulder he had a backpack slung. Serena took no particular interest in him; he just seemed like one of those troublemaker boys. Then, she did a double-take when another boy about the same age hopped out from the other side. Messy raven-black hair and brown eyes that she couldn't help but wonder if she had seen them somewhere before.

"Serena! Come on down!" Her mom called

"Coming!" She called back

She quickly threw on some clothes and walked down the stairs to be greeted by her mom, who was already standing at the doorway. She rolled her eyes, not expecting to already have to go and introduce herself to the new neighbors.

"Come on Serena, there's someone I want you to meet" Grace smirked knowingly

Serena raised an eyebrow at her strange behavior, but went along with it and walked with her mom across the street. The adult, who had obviously purchased the house, noticed them immediately and smiled as if she already knew them.

"Grace! It's been a while" She said

"It sure has. What brings you to the Kalos region?" Serena's mom replied

"Well, my son just returned from an adventure through the Unova region - his fifth adventure at that. We decided it would be nice to have a fresh start"

"Excuse me" Serena spoke up. "Your son has traveled through five different regions?"

"He sure has. Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, and Unova"

Whichever one her son is, he seems pretty interesting, Serena thought to herself.

"Where is your son anyways Delia?" Grace asked

"He should be unpacking somewhere" 'Delia' said, turning around to face the house

From the inside, Serena could hear two voices arguing about something to do with food. One voice sounded kind of irritating, but the other one was smoother and sounded familiar. Could it really be him? No...

"I wish I could stay longer, but I have to head to Ryhorn training" Grace said

"No problem at all. In the mean time, Serena can come inside and meet my son and his friend" Delia replied, a knowing smirk appearing on her face - similar to the one her mom had earlier

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