14 - Comebacks and Families

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You woke up to the sound of Soren getting back, you two had a quick meal and then we're back to flying.

"Miss, can I ask you a question?" The boy said coming from behind you.

"Of course, and I told you there's no need to call me Miss, you can call me (Y/N)"

"Okay... How did you became a rebel?"

"Well... I lost my family and planet to Zarkon, then I was saved by the rebellion and decided to became one o them."

"And did you found a new family?"

"Yes, I like to think as the rebellion a family. We are all on the same side in this war and have to have each other's backs, that's what I think a family means, but, I met another group of people that I really appreciate and love, they are all very important to me."

"They are your boyfriend's friends?"

"Yeah, they are Keith's friends, but also mine." You thought for a second about Soren calling Keith your boyfriend, you never really talked about your relationship, you just let things go, but considering the circumstances, you could call him your boyfriend.

"When I'm going to meet them?"

"Well, you are about to." You gestured to the screen where you could already see the castle.

"WOW THAT SHIP IS SO BIG, THAT'S SO COOL! Are we getting in?!"

"Yep, but I think there is something cooler on the inside."

You approached the castle and made contact with them, you saw Coran smile as soon as he saw you.

"(Y/N)! What an amazing surprise, I'll tell the paladins to come here."

"No, let me surprise them."

"If you want... Oh, I'll turn off Allura is coming, see you."

"See you."

One of the hatches opened, giving you access to the deck. You landed your ship and got out with Soren right behind you. You looked around noticing Hunk a few feet away, you approached him from behind and put your sword on his neck.

"Don't scream." You said with your deepest voice.

"I won't, please don't kill me, please don't kill me." He was sweating cold.

"Now say '(Y/N) is the best engineer in the universe'"

"(Y/N) is the bes- wait a second." You let him and he looked around "(Y/N) you almost gave me a heart attack!" He panicked a little and hugged you strongly, you hugged him back, you missed the big guy. "It's good to see you again."

"It's good to be back."

"Who is he?" He pointed at Soren, who was holding one of the screwdrivers with curiosity.

"That's Soren, I found him on that base I mentioned when we were in Olkarion, we are friends now."

"Oh..." By Hunk's expression you could tell that he figured out why Soren was with you. He walked to the boy, kneeling down on his level "Hello budy, my name is Hunk, I'm (Y/N)'s friend, what's your name?"

"I'm Soren, are you an engineer like (Y/N)?"


"He's also a paladin of Voltron" You said with a fake whisper.

"YOU'RE A PALADIN OF VOLTRON? DO YOU FLY A LIO? WHICH LION IS YOURS? CAN YOU SHOW ME?" Hunk let a chuckle out with the little boy's excitement.

"Calm down, I can show you but only if (Y/N) let me, you know, she is your responsible now." The duo looked at you, both with pleading eyes.

"Of course you can go, I trust you with my life Hunk. And you" you looked at Soren and messed with his hair "Don't give him much trouble ok?"

The two of them nodded and went towards the yellow lion, you could hear Soren's excited voice getting away. As you were getting out of the deck, you passed in front of the red lion.

You could swear you head a low roar which made you stop, you looked at the gigantic robot in the eyes and saw them shine yellow for a second.

"I missed you too girl... And I'll help him, I swear." You patted the lions paw and kept walking.

Eventually you met with everyone, minus Keith, and had your catch-up, you were able to surprise everyone except for Coran, you were all in the common room talking.

"It's good to have you back, things seem to have gotten lighter" Allura said.

"Yeah she just pranked us all, how did you even got into the castle without telling anyone or firing an alarm?" Pidge asked.

"Who said I didn't tell anyone?" You winked at Coran and the winked back, you two laughed a little and everyone understood what happened "now... I can't help but ask, where's Keith?"

The mood in the room suddenly got darker.

"He's in the training room, he's been spending more and more time there since... You know, I tried to talk to him but he just pushed me away." Lance said.

"He pushed everyone away." The green paladin added "We where hoping you could light him up a little, but weren't able to contact you since Keith is the one with the communicator."

"Guess I have to go after him, thanks for telling me guys." You went straight to the training room, the closer you got the louder the sounds get.

Anyone could easily tell the difference between Keith and someone else training, because the red paladin used to grunt a lot more than other, but right now everything seemed silent, you could only hear the sound of metal against metal. As you were getting closer, you heard his fast and loud breathing "he must be exhausted to be panting like that" you thought. The noises stopped and you head his weak voice.

"Start.... Training sequence... Level... 15". He was almost killing himself form training.

You approached the entranced and stood there against the door, he didn't notice you. He's eyes were completely focused on defeating the bot, and he seemed.. mad? Like he was discounting all his frustrations on that gladiator.

"End training sequence." You said as you started to approach the boy. He looked back, at first really confused, but them, his eyes were filled with happiness.

The boy let his sword fall on the floor, he was looking at you like you were some kind of mirage. You approached him, hugging him despite his sweat and saying with your most gentle voice.

"Surprise babe, I'm back."

Word count: 1073 words.

Okay.... How do I start this.... It's been more than a year and now I decided to come back into updating this story, I'm really sorry I stopped, it's just that things got really messy in the beginning of February and then quarentine started and I lost the will to do anything. I was really depressed during 2020, almost suicidal, and didn't want to work on any projects, but now will update de story and edit some chapters - spelling, work missing from sentences and stuff like this - hope you like reading, love y'all :3

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