2- Tours and Apologies

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You followed Allura around for a while, landing in a large hallway.

"The paladin's bedrooms are all around here, that one is Shiro's" she pointed at the first door, "Those are Lance's, Hunk's, Pidge's an Keith's rooms, the last one is yours, I hope you like it" she stopped in front of a door which opened by itself. "I'll leave you alone so you can rest", she stayed at the entrance, while you got in.

"Thank you Allura"

"You're welcome", she waved, smiling, before leaving you.

Your clothes were on the bed, washed and folded, sided by some other clothes that you believed Allura gave to you in case you needed. You looked around realizing there was a small bathroom in the corner of the room, a shower sounded like the perfect activity at the moment, so you took one and went to sleep.

You woke up to the sound of feet walking out of your door, so you though the others were already up and decided to get up too.

Your eyes spotted Pidge so you called for her, she stopped, waiting yo for you to catch up with her.

"Good morning, what are you guys doing today?"

"Good morning (Y/N), well be trying to access Sendak's memories using Altean tech, isn't that exiting?"

"It sure is, can I go with you?"

"Of course!".

You spent the rest of the morning chatting with Pidge and Hunk about Altean technology, in that case, they were a lot more experienced than you, but the knowledge of the three of you was basicaly on the same line. Lance tried to step into the conversation during the breakfast, but you all ended up changing the subject since he wasn't so into engineering, the chit chatting went on until Coran called you all to the room where he would be collecting Sendak's memories.

The process was taking ages, some of the paladins had already left, so you decided to leave too.

Having some free time and not wanting to bother the others, you started to take your own tour around the castle, walking for quite some time until you heard some noise coming from a room which you tough could be a training room.

You looked inside, only to see Keith fighting against a altean gladiator, confirming your guess. You stood there for some minutes, until he noticed you.

"End simulation" he said in a sharp voice, making the gladiator disappear, and coming closer to you "What do you want?" he asked quickly


"So what were you looking at?"

"You just seem to know what your doing, and that makes it kinda fun to watch, also, my parents left me a sword and I wish I knew how to use it" he paused for a second before answering.

"You can use the training room if you want, you just need to start de simulation and-" he was cut off by the sound of the gladiator coming after him "What the fuck? I didn't even start it yet!" he was using his sword to hold against the gladiator, but he seemed to be having a hard time against it, different from before.

You noticed something was wrong and looked around the room for something that you could use to help Keith, you noticed some guns in the other side of the room and run after them.

"Keep it up for a second" you said.

"Easy said than done!" he answered you, struggling to dodge the gladiators attack.

You approached the wall filled with fighting garments, taking one of the guns and regretting leaving yours in your room. It was hard to aim since the gladiator e Keith keep moving around the room.

"Whatever you're going to do, do fast!" he exclaimed.

"Stay quiet if don't to get shoot" You sounded dead serious, all your concentration was in that one shot you had, you aimed at the robots neck, hoping that breaking that point would make it turn off.

Keith fell on the floor, the gladiator was ready to give the last hit, you saw the perfect opportunity, shooting it right in the spot and making it fall on the floor, completely destroyed.

"Thanks" the red paladin said between his panting.

"It was nothing" you said but he was already leaving "Wait" your voice called, making him look back "I think we started the wrong way, maybe I shouldn't have messed with you the way I did, you were right on being careful with the people who enter the castle, I'm sorry" he said nothing for some time, making you believe that your apologies were in vain.

"Well... I shouldn't have just assumed you weren't trust worthy neither... I'm also sorry..." his eyes were down, almost as if he was ashamed of what he was saying.

"I guess that's a new start for both of us tho" you smiled slightly and reached out your hand for him to shake, he took your hand is his, smirking.

"I think so too".

You both heard a high scream coming from nearby.

"What was that?" you asked.

"Lance" he answered, and both of you started running in the direction of the sound.

You and Keith helped Lance not being trown away of the castle, the three of you sit near the recently closed door that almost made the latino boy get killed.

"Does the castle normally do that kinda of thing?" you asked, panting.

"What, you guys almost got killed too?" Lance said.

"Yeah, by the gladiator" Keith answered.

"I KNEW IT! THE CASTLE IS HAUNTED AND ITS TRYING TO KILL US!" Lance started running and you two went after him, only to find Coran a little later.

You all looked after Pidge, Hunk and Shiro, stopped Allura from crashing the castle into a star about to explode and after everything ended all you could think about was her sacrifice.

She lost her family twice for the galra, just like you did, first with your parents when you were just a baby, and then your foster family, when Zarkon destroyed your planet while you were out in an expedition.

You approached her.

"Allura, I know that we are not close, but if you need to talk with someone who now how you feel, you're free to come to me whenever you want" you smiled helping that it could brighten her up, and it seemed to work a little.

"Thank you, but right now I want to be on my on and rest a little" she answered smiling faintly and going to her room.

You decided to take the rest of your tour to the castle as you had time, after a while you bumped with Keith in one of the hallways.

"(Y/N)" he said "The thing you said about the sword, I can teach you...o-only if you want of course" he blushed a little, the red tint in his cheeks did not matche the bad boy posture he always held, and you found that kinda cute.

"It would be really great Keith... Just a question..."

"Go on"

"Do you know where we are? I kinda got lost in the castle" he laughed a little, making it your time to blush.

"I cant believe you're lost"

"Hey! This place is huge" your indignation only made him laugh harder.

"Okay okay, I'll get you back to your room, shall we?" he gestured with his head, making sign for you to follow him.

"That would be nice of you"

Word count: 1250 words

The Red Lion's Heart - Keith X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now