13 - Endings and Beginnings

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You took Soren inside your ship, gave him some food and water and you two sat on the floor with crossed legs.

"So, are you able to tell me what happened here?" You asked him.

"The galras came, they seemed like they were in a hurry. They just threw sentinel's at us and started shooting, there were so many kids and people unable to fight that it was impossible to protect everyone."

"How did you survive?"

"I hid... I was a coward." Tears started going down his face.

"You weren't a coward, you were just scared and unprepared, you're too young to be in the middle of an war."

"But you are also young Miss" he had a sincere expression of confusion on his face. "And you look like you've been in war for a long time."

"Do I?"

"You look tired, and you have a lot of scars in your body. And also, you look fearless." He said all that not meaning to hurt you, he was just a kid doing what kids do.

"Lemme ask you, how old are you Soren?" You tried to change a little bit of the topic.

"I'm seven."

"Well, you're young and already have great perception of reality, that's a good thing, but sometimes we shouldn't say everything we see." He looked down.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, my mommy aways told me to not offended people... I didn't mean to."

"It's okay, I'm not offended, only giving you an advice." You winked at him, making the boy feel more at ease. "Now, let's take care of all those scratches an find you some clothes, shall we?"

You spent a long time taking care of Soren, he said he liked your sword so you gave him a smaller one that you used to use when you were a kid, you promised to teach him how to use once he was healed. You went to a few moons and planets trying to find something fitting for him, and after a few travels o managed to do this. Knowing what certainly had happened to his parents, you decided to not bring the up topic and keep him entertained. After the long day, you showed the boy the place where you used to sleep when you were traveling for long periods, and the boy blacked out when his head hit the pillow.

"Poor thing, he must be really tired" Soren made you remember your old days as an orfan alone in space, that's why you decided to help him so badly, to take him a home and advice him.

As you were ready to sleep, you took the communicator you made for Keith, looking for messages.

You have, three messages

Message number one:
"Hey (Y/N), I'm going inside Zarkon's ship now, I don't know what's going to happen, but I wanted to make sure to tell you something in case I... You know..."

Message number two:
"I've been keeping this with me for sometime now, and I don't want to risk not telling you. I love you, for real, you were able to strip away the walls I built and I could still feel comfortable with you. I'll go now... I love you from the bottom of my heart, I dearly hope to see you soon."

Message number three:
"Hey... We defeated Zarkon... But Shiro is gone, he's not in his lion... He have not idea of what happened... I don't want to lose him... Please, not him too..."

You have, no more messages

As much as the first two messages made you happy, the last one broke your heart, you could feel in Keith's voice that he was about to cry. Not only because of that, but Shiro's missing was a huge problem. You deliberated for some minutes, you had your responsibilities as a rebel, but Keith and Voltron were also extremely important, and also now you had a kid with you, you couldn't risk yourself too much.

The Red Lion's Heart - Keith X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora